Archived Episodes
Reclaiming Your Health From...
Marla Miller is the host of the Open-Minded Healing podcast, as well as an author, a professional Declutterer, and an advocate for optimal health. After experiencing a debilitating Autoi...
Transforming Your Relationship...
Trixi Menhardt teaches successful professionals and listeners of this show how to improve and transform your relationships with your young adult children. From personal ...
Stop Proving Your Worth And Start...
Abby Havermann shares insights and practical advice for unlearning what no longer serves you and stepping into worthiness. This...
Kintsug. This is the Japanese...
Katie tells us Kintsug is relevant because she's had to find the magic when things looked broken.Katie Oman’s life has had more ups and downs than a rollercoaster. But, in amongst the chaos, she found t...
A Conversation with Dr. Joe Vitale
Tune in for a conversation with Rhonda Farrah and the illustrious Dr. Joe Vitale, President of the Napoleon Hill Institute and a star of the hit movie ''The Secret.''So excited to have you list...
How To Transform Your Trauma...
Rosalia Quintana shares her incredible journey; from poverty, a near-death experience, to following her soul's mission and working with people to transmute and trans...
From Burnout to Brilliance With...
Sally Mahamdeh teaches the principles of emotional and positive intelligence to help you shift from burnout, stress, and anxiety to a life full of bliss and brilliance. This is...
How to Resolve Trauma Faster...
Dr. Tara Perry, a Clinical Hypnotherapist & Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, teaches listeners to use the power of their subconscious mind to resolve trauma, stress, and a...
Special Guest Kay Rowe-Author...
Kay Rowe’s passion is to uplift people with inspirational content through her writing and speaking. Her purpose; foster critical thinking. “Going along to get along” is a losing p...
Meet Dr. Sofia Risberg, Animal...
From her early childhood spiritual connection...her journey from numbing herself out to remembering her connection with Source...Find out how Dr. Sofia connects with and supports animals and humans...
Take Back Your Brain: A...
Laurie hammer teaches you how to take back your brain… From foundational health principles, to overcoming intense challenges such as her own diagnosis of caner, Laurie will share ...
Reversing Self-Doubt and...
Ask YourSelf...How often do you doubt yourself by second-guessing your first mind? Where does that live in your body? Why does that live in your body?This is a very relevant topic and much n...
How To Live An Empowered...
I AM often asked… What is the most important way to Living an Empowered Life? I call it my LIFEstyle Empowerment Formula.Regardless of situation, circumstance or event… This formula ...
109 Embracing Unworthiness:...
In a world constantly shouting about self-worth and empowerment, the concept of embracing unworthiness might seem counterintuitive, even taboo. Yet, in this episode, we dive deep into the shadows of unworthiness, e...
Episode 101: The Magical Gift of...
Join us in this where we are going to delve into the enchanting world of presence during the holiday season. As the frenzy of gift-giving surrounds us, it's easy to lose sight of the most precious gift we can offer...
91. Heart Workouts:...
Join us today as we delve into the transformative power of forgiveness, likening it to a gym for our heart. Just as our muscles grow stronger with consistent exercise, our capacity to forgive deepens with regular p...
90. True Forgiveness:...
Join us today as we talk about Forgiveness. True Forgiveness. A word heavy with emotions and meanings, a concept that many of us grapple with. On today's podcast, we delve into this crucial and often misunder...
87. Untangling of Personal Bonds
In today's episode, we delve deep into the intricate world of offenses and expectations, two powerful emotions that can define our interpersonal experiences. Ever felt slighted, even by a casual comment? Ever grapp...
The Journey To Forgiveness with...
Find Wisdom in Choosing to Forgive From the Heart and Set Your Soul Free!
Monday, February 6, 2023
Host: Kelly Bazzani MA Psychology
Guests: Michael Overlie , Misty Blakesley
53. Mean Girl
I hope you will join me today for this episode on how to bridge the must needed gap from hating on ourselves to loving on ourselves. I am going to share with you my personal journey and offer you 3 breakthrou...
7 Proven Steps To Restore Love &...
Join Coach Martez & Woodrina for part 2 - Do you feel lost because your confidence, trust and heart have been broken? Relationships are the currency to a healthy life and falling in love is one of the things th...
I don’t Want to Talk About It
Psychic Medium Jaime and Spiritwalker Nicole bring a spiritual perspective and tackle topics most won’t touch. Family secrets, self-sabotage, unforgivable mistakes, suicide, infidelity, drug and alcohol abuse...
The Practice of Forgiveness
Psychic Medium Jaime and Spiritwalker Nicole explore the meaning of forgiveness. They discuss what it means to forgive, how it helps your soul, and what to do if you’re just not ready. Psychic Medium Jaime pr...
How to Let Sh*t Go and Learn...
Reverand Misty Tyme is a Master at Forgiveness…in ALL SITUATIONS. She has the Forgiveness Solution: the whys and hows to forgive in a proven step-by-step fo...