Archived Episodes
Our Discouragement...
As we journey through life, we are sure to experience discouragement. On this episode of Awaken To Wellness With Angie, Angela will be giving us some divine words of encouragement straight from the Book of Ezra. So...
The Perfect Shepherd
On this episode of Awaken To Wellness With Angie, we will dive into a new series entitled "Hope For The Helpless". On this journey called Life, we all experience difficulties and hardships. Some of the roads, paths...
Trish Smith; From Reckless Teen to...
In this episode, I take it back to times when I’ve felt angry, lost, afraid, unloved, etc. I give you a peek into who Trish Smith is as a soul, why love is so important to me, who ha...
Addiction, it's not your fault
Addiction is evil and life-destroying, but it's not all your fault. It's a disease like alcohol, and there are ways to get clean and get right, don't give up. I'm going to share my own experience with addicti...
ACOA - What is it & How Do I...
ACOA - Adult Children of Alcoholic. Before you scroll past this episode I'll enocurage you to tune in. Family issues with alcoholic impact the enitre family, often in ways that are obscure and completely unrecogniz...
Getting to the Truth about...
Join Dr. Pat as she interviews Robin Clare, Recovery Coach and Best-Selling spiritual author of Feast & Famine: Healing Addiction with Grace. Robin will share with us the spiritual perspective on the source of ...
National Recovery Month with...
The 2020 National Recovery Month theme, "Join the Voices for Recovery: Celebrating Connections," reminds people in recovery and those who support them, that we all have victories to celebrate and things we may wish...
Are You Living With an...
Are you discovering that you maybe living with an alcoholic? How can you get help for your loved one? How do you cope? Now is the time to act! A must-listen episode!
Young People in Recovery with...
Young People in Recovery is an organization that envisions a world where all young people have the resources they need to thrive in recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol. Learn how to be a part of this movem...
What Makes Recovery Hard...
Men are more than twice as likely to develop substance use disorders as women. What specific considerations in the recovery process are unique to men? We are finding the answers in o...
Are We Drinking Our Way...
Americans are drinking a crazy amount of alcohol during coronavirus lockdown. Are we creating a whole new bunch of alcoholics? Are alcoholics in serious danger of relapse? Does alcohol help o...
How Much is Too Much?
How do you know if you have a drinking problem or if you are misusing drugs or alcohol? Can you tell if you are overdoing it? What separates social drinking or drugging from abuse or addiction? Be brave. Take the q...
Are You Living With an Alcoholic?
What is it like to be living with someone who is addicted to alcohol or drugs? How can you tell when your loved one is struggling with addiction? How do you protect yourself? Find out more....