Archived Episodes
Rising Signs
In this episode, we'll delve into the fascinating world of rising signs. We'll start by defining what a rising sign is and why it holds such significance in your astrological profile...
Astrology Misconceptions: Why your sun sign is the least interesting thing about you with...
Tristen and Dr. Pat are covering common misconceptions about astrology and how to use astrology in your daily life without letting it rule all your decisions. I’ll also talk with Tristen about how she uses as...
Solar returns and why I don't recommend astrology apps
In this episode, I discuss how a solar return reading and a birth chart reading differs and why I recommend having both. I also share how my latest in-person events have soldified my dislike of astrology apps. ...
Unlocking the north and south nodes
The north node of destiny is one of the most important placements in your chart to finding and embracing your purpose. In this episode, I cover the importance of the north and south ...
Debunking the spiritual journey
For those of us that aren't jet setting to other countries or aren't radically changing their life, what does the spiritual journey look like for us? Will my life look unrecognizable overnight? Books and media all ...
Locational Astrology with KJ Atlas
In this episode, I'm discussing all things locational astrology with the fabulous astrologer KJ Atlas! We will cover how we use locations to visit and move to advance healing and growth in our lives. Don't miss thi...
Why do I care what sign the moon is in?
Learn how to harness the influence of the moon by tracking and working intentionally with the sign the moon is in. In this episode, I'll share how you can deepen your connection to t...
Astrology for Mystics: Exploring the Occult Depths of the Water Houses in Your Natal Char...
In Astrology for Mystics, Tayannah Lee McQuillar explores the 4th, 8th, and 12th houses--those connected with the element of water and all things occult, mystical, and spiritual. The author guides ...
Write Your Own Horoscope: Follow the Stars, Design Your Destiny-Part 2 with Jane Struthers
Bestselling author and consultant astrologer Jane Struthers teaches you not only how to interpret your birth chart, a snapshot of the heavens at the moment you were born, but also teaches you to look into your futu...
Write Your Own Horoscope: Follow the Stars, Design Your Destiny with Jane Struthers
Bestselling author and consultant astrologer Jane Struthers teaches you not only how to interpret your birth chart, a snapshot of the heavens at the moment you were born, but also teaches you to look into your futu...
The Astrology of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction with Guest April Elliott Kent
The Astrology of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction: Your Personal Renaissance Call in! 1-800-930-2819 Watch live on Facebook.
Dialing Up Your Intuition via Astrology with Valerie Shinn
Many of us have heard the expression 'trust your gut!'What does that mean, and why is it important to help us lead a joyful life?Intuition is a major part of our thought process. It's the connecti...