Archived Episodes
Let’s talk about energy!
The energy around your birth from what was going on with your ancestors - your familial baseline, your parents, when you were in utero, and actually being born followed by what environment you were born into sets u...
Taming the Wild Mustang: Harnessing the Power of an ADHD Brain
Hello! Thank you for tuning in! In this episode, I open up about my experience with growing up as a child with ADHD, how being treated differently affected me and how I feel today about being neurodivergent. Are yo...
Addiction and Intimacy: The Missing Link
90% of addicts begin their addiction before the age of. This presentation will reaffirm that without healthy emotional connection in childhood, the individual will trust addiction as their coping mechanism instead ...
Process for Healing Trauma
What are the 3 aspects of healing? Watch
The Day She Quit Rescuing
In part 1 of this 2-part conversation, Lisa talks with Amanda Sowa about her healing journey from being a codependent people pleaser, which led her to repeatedly rescuing others. To a woman who chose to rescue hers...
Can you come out and PLAY?
Remember when you were a child - and you asked a friend/parent/sibling to PLAY! The jolt we got from that "YES" resul...
The Necktie and The Jaguar: A memoir to help you change your story and find fulfillment w...
The Necktie and The Jaguar is a thought-provoking memoir that offers the insight of a master in its author Carl Greer. As Greer’s remarkable story unfolds, the reader is encouraged to ask questions about thei...
Grounding Into Your Radiance with Stacie Barber
Grounding Into Your Radiance: A space to dream, explore and reconnect to your essential self Watch live on Facebook.
Encore: Inoculated: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism with guest Kent Heckenlively
Science has a sacred obligation to tell the truth. But what happens when our most prestigious institutions lie and attempt to destroy data which shows harm to children? Is that a crime against humanity? J...
The Forever Angels: Near-Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact with a...
Findings from two extensive research projects focused entirely on children. The first was done in the 80s and 90s, and concerned child experiencers between birth and 15 years – yet most of my cases were below...
Seven Ways That Circumcision Damages Your Mental Health – The Signs You Need To Look Out ...
Psychological Effects On Infants and adolescents and Post Tramatic Stress Disorder
Command Master Chief Leon R. Walker author of Broken -Survival Instincts of a Child
BROKEN…A gripping tale of a lost and damaged kid that will take you on a powerful, emotional, and intense rollercoaster ride. Eye opening and heartbreaking! A very young and dark life, this ...
What Do Your Circumstances Say About Your Thinking?
There are still many who believe that life just happens to us. Most of us have been brought up to believe this by well-meaning parents. But more and more of us are interested in learning about how our thoughts crea...
Muddy Roads Blue Skies: My Journey to the Foreign Service, from the Rural South to Tanzan...
An Unforgettable Journey from Rock Bottom to the Top of the World. Muddy Roads Blue Skies is Vella's inspiring, deeply personal account of her amazing journey from the backwoods of Georgia to the far reache...
From Chaos to Love: Using your life's obstacles to bring you into Wholeness with Charleen...
Wholeness Coach Charleen Hess shares her journey of overcoming every obstacle life can throw you from early childhood well into adulthood. Raised in an abusive and addicted home as the 13th child, Charleen had to o...
Inoculated: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism with guest Kent Heckenlively
Science has a sacred obligation to tell the truth. But what happens when our most prestigious institutions lie and attempt to destroy data which shows harm to children? Is that a crime against humanity? J...