Archived Episodes
The Courage to Choose YOU (Without Guilt or Justification)
How many times have you put your dreams, desires, or even the simplest choices on hold, waiting for someone to validate them? We’ve been conditioned to seek approval, but what if you didn’t need it? In ...
Warrior vs. Worrier: How Your Mindset Can Change Your Outcomes
We are conditioned to think that stress is always bad for us, but what if it wasn’t? What if changing our mindsets and beliefs around the stressor is the key to having success in challenging times? To...
Take Back Control of Your Life
Do you think your life is out of control? Are other people’s opinions more important than your own? Do you feel powerless and that everything is happening TO you? In this episo...
Right Action: The Ripple Effect of Choice
The Noble Eightfold Path, the core of Buddhism, is a practical guide to ethical conduct, mental discipline, and wisdom. It comprises: ...
"The Power of YES" The dance between the YES and the NEXT
In this episode Gabriela shares with Dr Pat, how the delicate balance between YES and NEXT, helped Gabriela engineer a life of impact and alignment and how by applying these principles, one can open the doors of pr...
From Intent to Action: Your Path to Success
The power of intention is not just a concept, but a transformative force that can guide our thoughts, actions, and manifestations towards our desired outcomes. By setting clear intentions, we activate our inherent ...
Powerful Strategy to Let Go of Regrets
Regrets are a heavy load to carry. They can keep a person sick, bitter, and frustrated. They suck the joy out of our lives. In this episode Gabriela shares a powerful strategy to clear your regrets so you can feel ...
The Stories We Tell Ourselves
Our lives are self-created by the stories we tell ourselves. These stories, healthy and creative, or the opposite, set up a filter through which we experience the world. Join Sarah as she delves into the power of t...
The Power of Choice: Rising Above the November Blues
Join us in a candid conversation with Dr. Pat Bacili from Transformation Talk Radio as we delve into the universal experience of the November blues and the transformative power of choice. This episode is not just a...
Soul Retrieval
Sometimes, no matter what we do, we are unable to move forward. The light in the eyes goes out, we have never been the same again, ever since that something happened. We are profoundly sad, exhausted, suffer from i...
The Gifts of an Identity Crisis
My guest host, Evelyn Knight ,will be sharing how (almost) all of us will experience an identity crisis in our lives. You have a choice whether that crisis will be a blessing or a curse. An identity crisis can be a...
Healthy Thinking Happy Life- Part 4 Turning resistance into action: master your mindset ...
How are you doing with your New Year's Resolutions? Are you getting wear you want to be, or are you getting stuck and need some help? Resistance is a natural part of getting stuck and g...
Emotional Pain is Inevitable-Suffering is Optional with Co-Hosts Misty Blakesley and Mich...
Comparative Trauma Defined and Emotions Explained-And How Your Power Lies in the Ability to Choose Differently.
Happy Thinking Healthy Life - Master Your Mindset and Get $#it Done!
Holiday Food- Holiday Stress- Holiday Burnout Is it possible to get through this busy time of the year without the pressure of eating, saying or doing the right or wrong thing? Absolute...
Friday, December 23, 2022
Host: Diane McClay
Guests: Matthew Luccetti , Nikki Gangemi , Dr. Kate Steiner
Healthy Thinking, Happy Life- Mastering Your Mindset and Make $#it happen
How would you feel if you woke up excited, full of energy, and ready to take action every day confidently? If you had discovered your purpose, ...
The Empowered Self
From this moment in 2022, moving into 2023, we are forming the future from the empowered self. We are defining our preferred state of being/feeling from the heart. If you are like me, you choose not to allow outer ...
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Susan Axelrod , Nadine Searle , Julia Paulette Hollenbery , Caurel Richards
What About Me?
Where is your energy and where are your thoughts right now? Right this minute, if you listed your top 10 priorities, how likely is it that YOU are on that list? When was the...
Encore: What are your amazing ways to choose happiness!
Here are some thoughts gratitude, volunteer, giving, encouraging, reminiscing!!!
Who Are YOU?
As the leaves and temperature fall, nature intuitively turns inward and prepares to sustain itself through winter. Bears hibernate. Trees return energy and food to their underground root storage system. ...
Is Filtering Our Communication a Good Thing?
Do you ever get tired of holding back within your communication? Are you tired of hesitating when someone upsets you? Would you prefer to be direct, but instead you pause…often? Learning to filter our words ...
Change or Be Changed: The choice is yours!
Call 800-930-2819 with a question
The Power of Conscious Choice Matters!
Awakening to how your thoughts and beliefs are the dominant, driving force in your life!
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Co-Hosts: Kelly Bazzani MA Psychology, Dr. Pat Baccili, Kelly Bazzani MA Psychology, Dr. Pat Baccili
The Power of Conscious Choice Matters!
Awakening to how your thoughts and beliefs are the dominant, driving force in your life!
Relationships – Transformation: Moving from Hurt to Healing!
How do you begin to heal when you have been hurt? Discussing the process to move from hurt to healing and overview of The Life Strategies Way!