Archived Episodes
Respect continued...
So we spoke of Love and Respect last week, and didnt spend enough time on Respec and how important it is.. So one thing I've spoke on many times as its who I am and not sure were all able to ...
Boundaries, they are required...
Boudaries are crucial when healing, getting to know yourself, and of course when Empowering yourself. They will help you understand what you wont tolorate that disrupts your peace.
The Power Within. The FACTS To...
We are going to talk about the F.A.C.T.S to gaining the confidence needed to Empowerment. Focus, Awareness, Courage, Tenacity, and Spirit, Focus like an Eagles Vision, Awareneness of whats is happening with a...
Getting Empowered, The...
Empowerment! The ability or capacity of an individual, group, amd /or communities to take control of their own circumstances, Exercise power, and achieve anything they want. My Course The Power Within, will g...
Cuz its EaZy, the name and its...
When we think about life and its rollercoaster, for some that ride is easier for some then others, For some its been tough. But one thing you have control of is how you handle that ride. Staying positive, being kin...
The Great Awakening, to...
The great awakening is a spiritial experience that if not yet experienced is hard to explain...Cuz its eazy if you know whats going on, but awakening to a new reality, and realizng you have been lied to ...
Addiction, it's not your fault
Addiction is evil and life-destroying, but it's not all your fault. It's a disease like alcohol, and there are ways to get clean and get right, don't give up. I'm going to share my own experience with addicti...
The 3 P's what are they? do you...
My 3 P's and do you have them? PRIDE, PASSION, PERSISTENCE. With these 3 you can conquer anything, meaning you can have your best life your best you. Find out how.