Archived Episodes
Family Estrangement: The Epidemic That is Affecting Millions
In this episode, I dive into the “silent epidemic” of family estrangement. Adult children cutting off contact with their parents has become a real problem, affecting millions of people in the U.S. If yo...
Shifting power-over and power-under to power-within and power-between with Dr. Pat Baccili
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from Dr. Pat and Judy Ryan, two incredible thought leaders, who are passionate about helping people unlock their potential and achieve success in every area of life.
The Boy from Boadua: One African’s Journey of Hunger and Sacrifice in Pursuit of a Dream ...
Patrick Asare delivers his life experiences in his memoir - a book that not only is well written, but also provides one of the most informed visions of life from a vantage rarely equaled … While it is import...
Empathy and Men with Brett Hill
Men can be and are very empathic and intuitive, it just isn’t supported by the society. In fact, our culture encourages a certain aggressive brutality in men and teaches them that to be sensitive is to be wea...
Come to Canada-Gillian Marx! Plastic Dumped in Landfills & Ocean-Bill Liski! Health Equit...
Gillian Marx will give her list of must-do Newfoundland and Labrador experiences to add to your bucket list! Located in the Atlantic Canadian region they are off the beaten path and rich with histo...
Revising Hiring Practices with an Anti-Racism Lens with Dr. Amoaba Gooden, VP of Division...
I am excited to welcome Dr. Amoaba Gooden, Vice President for the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Kent State University back to the Show to explore strategies to revise hiring and onboarding practice...
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Host: Dr. Kathy Obear
Co-Host: dr. becky martinez
Guest: Amoaba Gooden Ph.D.
Quiet Firing, Workplace Culture, and MIndset Shifts
Bringing everything together about the state of the workplace today and what we can do about it. Buzz words like Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting have been front and center, and now we’re talking about Qu...
Designing and Facilitating Workshops on Class and Classism with dr. becky martinez and Dr...
Join becky martinez and Kathy Obear as they continue to discuss strategies to design and facilitate workshops on disrupting unproductive dynamics of class and classism in organizations.
Mononormativity and Non-Monogamy in Art and Pop Culture
Ever wonder how social norms impacts our perspective in reading? In today's episode we will be discussing mononormativity and non-monogamy in literature. Mononormativity pervades art an...
Harnessing Hope in Uncertain Times
There are some realities in our world that are painful to take in and difficult to live with. In the face of adversity, chaos, and change it is sometimes easier to numb ourselves, disengage from taking action on is...
We’ll talk about the impact diet culture has on us and how we can break free from old beliefs that don’t serve us! We’ll also learn about the “one size does NOT fit all” mindset! ...
Never Be Afraid To Eat Alone
Are you showing up as your true wholehearted, unapologetic self without fear? Even when you may be the only male, female, black, white, Asian, gay, straight, etc. Sometimes we face being the only one at our jobs, o...
On the Edge of Aging Wildly
If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a nation to raise an Elder. Looking at our culture’s fear of aging, what messages we receive as we get older, and how to age wildly – Buck the system!
Dynamics of Class and Classism in Organizations: Digging Deep with guest Dr. Sonja Ardoin
We are excited to welcome Dr. Sonja Ardoin, learner, educator, facilitator, and author, to share her insights and research about the issues and challenges faced by 1st generation, poor and working class college stu...
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Host: Dr. Kathy Obear
Co-Host: dr. becky martinez
Guest: Sonja Ardoin Ph.D.
Freeing Ourselves from Unconscious Racism Episode with Author Brett Bevell
In this episode author Brett Bevell discusses techniques for freeing ourselves from racism! Watch live on Facebook.
On the Edge of Dying with Dignity
Dying is a part of living. Every culture has their beliefs about the nature of dying and what happens after we die. But what about the process of dying? Should we have a choice in the manner in which we die, if we ...
Medicine and Miracles in the High Desert: My Life among the Navajo People with Dr. Erica ...
Author, Adventurer, Speaker, Dr. Erica Elliott, M.D. has released a first book that recounts the early years of her extraordinary life living among the Navajo people. As a young woman in the early 1970s, Erica arri...
Chasing the Future
There is so much striving in our goal-oriented, achievement-driven culture that it can be difficult to mentally and physically stop and be in the present. Many of us are chasing a future where we are waiting for ce...
Our African Unconscious: The Black Origins of Mysticism and Psychology with Edward Bynum
In this extensive look at the unfolding of human history and culture, Edward Bruce Bynum reveals how our collective unconscious is African. Drawing on archaeology, DNA research, depth psychology, and the biological...
Leading EDI Efforts in These Times: An Engaging Conversation with Alfred Ramirez, Preside...
I am excited to welcome Alfred Ramirez, President, Diverse Strategies Now to the Show! We will explore effective strategies to lead EDI and social justice in these challenging times! * your approach...
Learning at the Intersections: Cultivating Intercultural Literacy Through Communities of ...
In this episode of Heart.Change.Consciousness. Dr. Trish dialogues with Dr. Aziz Fatnassi about the limits of institutional DEI efforts (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), innovative pedagogical strategies for cult...
Cultivating a Transformative Consciousness: Accountability Culture as Collective Heart Pr...
Black Theologian Cornel West has said, “Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public, just like tenderness is what love feels like in private.” This February episode explores what can mak...
STEP UP – THE ENERGY TO WIN with Danielle Porak de Varna
Step up-the energy to win with Dr. Vic and Danielle Porak de Varna!
Waking Up to Whiteness: A Healing Perspective
In light of the recent events at the Capitol, the significance of this Inauguration Day, and in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Day, this episode of Heart.Change.Consciousness. discusses the importance of healing w...