Archived Episodes
Encore: Charity Starts in The Heart
Holding Opposites
The ability to hold competing ideas is a remarkable strength of the mind. Have you ever felt anxious, yet still experienced gratitude? Felt fear, but also love? Or felt resistant while also finding peace? In this e...
Be a Daffodil: your stronger than you think.
Call 1-800-930-2819 for a LIVE reading with Mark Anthony & Dr. Pat! Watch:
Astrology Misconceptions: Why your sun sign is the least interesting thing about you with...
Tristen and Dr. Pat are covering common misconceptions about astrology and how to use astrology in your daily life without letting it rule all your decisions. I’ll also talk with Tristen about how she uses as...
PETA's strategy to end failed experiments on animals plus Does your car have a recall?
Learn how 'Research Modernization Now' aims to revitalize research and improve human health. Dr. Emily Trunnell U.S. Department of Transportation’s Nationa...
Master the Winds of Change with Special Guest Sharon de Ryck!
The winds of change revolve around AI's impact on the lives of people; especially those who are not prepared. Watch
Navigating the sea of emotions!
Navigating the sea of emotions! Call 1-800-930-2819 for a LIVE reading with Mark Anthony & Dr. Pat! Watch:
7 Steps to Freedom: A Systematic Guide to What Everyone Wants with Special Guest Gilbert ...
We all want to feel happy and free, but it seems eternally elusive. In this groundbreaking book, Gilbert Mane draws on over thirty years of spiritual work and self-development to set out a systematic guide to findi...
The Realms of Love!
Live call in show 1-800-930-2819 Thursdays at 7pm EST/4pm PST Watch:
Creating a World that Works for Everyone!
Does the idea of people living together in thriving, cooperative, sustainable Communities based on the Highest Good of all life appeal to you? Have you ever wondered what this would look like and how we get there? ...
The Shifting Landscape
The political landscape is evolving every day, affecting everything from the economy to social justice to the future of democracy. With so much happening so quickly, how do we begin to make sense of it all? How do ...
Enter the Vortex of Healing with Special Guest Suzanne Ross
Live call in show 1-800-930-2819 Watch:
Fetal Surgery Can Save & Better Lives-Dr Scott Adzick! Tips to Veganize Your Wardrobe-Sar...
Dr. Scott Adzick discusses advancements in treating birth defects & how fetal surgery can help save & better the lives of many children worldwide. 1 in Every 33 Babies is born with a Birth ...
Get Your PEACE of non violence!
Live Call in show 1-800-930-2819 Watch:
Encourage Courage!
Live Call in show 1-800-930-2819 Watch:
Ditch Your New Year's Resolution!
Live Call in show 800-930-2819 Watch:
College Admissions and Scholarships Kevin Kenny & Afiya Thornton! Reset Button for The N...
Kevin Kenny: Level All cofounder and co-CEO and Afiya Johnson-Thornton: Level All Director, College discuss the importance of educational planning from a young age, as well as pers...
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Kevin Kenny , Afiya Johnson Thornton , Valerie Greenberg
Age of Aquarius!
Live Call in show 800-930-2819 Watch
Create the 2025 You Want Through Intention with special guest Rev. Connie Stomper
Have you ever manifested what you thought you wanted only to find that it doesn’t give you the experience you’d hoped for? Do you set goals and find you feel like a failure when you don’t manifest...
How to Live Life As if It’s Rigged In Your Favor * *Rumi with Guest Dr. Connie Stomper
How is life “rigged in our favor” from a higher perspective?How can seeing things as “rigged in our favor enhance a sense of PURPOSE in our lives? How do we “embrace” a higher pe...
BAD LOVE TIGERS with Kevin Schewe
Bad Love Tigers is an action-adventure, sci-fi screenplay based on the original story & novel by Kevin Schewe! Kevin Schewe’s Bad Love Tigers has taken the world by storm as it ...
Do you believe in Santa?
Live Call in show 800-930-2819 Watch
Awakened Soul: Sharon Sananda Kumara's Near-Death Journey with Christ and Beyond
Sharon Sananda Kumara shares the profound story of her 2001 near-death experience, the catalyst for her book ‘Awakened Soul. Sharon recounts being met by Christ, and her transformative journey U...
My journey to alcohol-free living & the key to bliss with special guest Jessica Suzanne
The personal journey, what’s possible, and the Radiant Revival Freedom Experience from Kiss’d by Bliss! Watch https://www.transformationtalkradio....