Archived Episodes
IN THIS EPISODE, Become aware of what your true healthy, wealthy wisdom can look like for you as Kim and I discuss the Environmental Dimension of Life In Full Expression when it comes to your financial health...
Flip Your Money Mindset, Lighten...
Carrying a heavy mental load is not a badge of honor and it’s affecting your money! Join Erica Gifford Mills with her guest, Vikki Zacchilli, as they discuss how to overcome limiting beliefs and create a posi...
When Divorce Is Inevitable with...
So, the dreaded, “D” word has come up. Life as you know it is about to change. New name, new address, overall a new identity. Maybe you’ve been married for twenty plus years or it’s a marria...
Improve your life through the use of Angel First Aid Techniques. These include visualizations and remedies for all facets of life--love, relationships, health, career, and finances. Allow yourself to be elevated to...
Ep 4: How to Buy Crypto When...
So you want to get started with crypto but you’re unsure of where to go and how to make it happen. YES! You have a...
The Continental Magazine-Lance...
Lance Henson discusses his article about playing "Indians" in Hungary in The Continental Magazine. The Continental features the best writings of Central Europe and North America for a U.S....
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Lance Henson , Mona Mahajan , Thomas Powers Ph.D., Kate Carr
Ep 1: What is Blockchain?
Blockchain technology has been around since 1991. It gained a lot of popularity in 2009 with Satoshi Nakamado’s whitepaper titled, “
Expectation re-set
Re-setting your expectations, realigning with your integrity, and getting rid of the same. Watch live on Facebook.
Regulate Your Nervous System...
Money problems create worry, tension, anxiety, and more. However, when we act from this state of being, we are actually working against the state of being that will allow us to create success. Join my guest, Rachel...
Successfully Negotiate Your...
How do you make sure you get paid what you deserve? Do you want to ask for more money and don’t know how? Are you afraid if you ask for additional money you won’t get the job? Too many women...
Free Financial Education...
Vanessa Okwuraiwe discusses how financially prepared Americans are in the wake of the pandemic and how the Edward Jones Financial Fitness program can help. And shares financial strategies ...
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Vanessa Okwuraiwe , Asher Smith , Dr. Fariha Abbasi-Feinberg
Take Charge of Your Money
Money is a polarizing topic that is so important in our lives and at the same time we are socially conditioned to not talk about it. In fact, many of us avoid it at all costs. What if that was different...
Stories That Inspire Hope...
Watch live on Facebook. dStruggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories t...
"You're in Charge - Creating...
The world of business is changing. Traditional structures and models are breaking down. As a result, opportunity is endless for people who have a deep and abiding passion-offering. When you feel certain you have a ...
"Financial Wellness...
Many of us have feelings and history surrounding MONEY. Perhaps you feel guilty to admit you have no savings or maybe you have withdrawn all of your 401k. Perhaps you have no idea how to take a first step in invest...
"How to Prepare for the Holidays"...
The last quarter of the year has a lot of holidays and celebrations in it. They kind of sneak up on us. But the reality it that they come the same time every single year and most of us are not prepared for them. Th...
Friday, October 23, 2020
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Co-Host: Dawnette Palmore
Guests: Lamar Mayton , Heather Steinker
Now That We Have Talked...
When you talk about your dreams and vision does your day-to-day and future planning reflect those dreams and vision. Time to put the day-to-day vision with the day to day planning and future planning. Let your visi...
During this difficult & uncertain time...
Healing during the pandemic: relationships, attitude, finances, health and more to anyone in need during this uncertain time that the world is facing. Special Live Webinar September 1, 2020
Be you, Be prosperous
What's the most important component when creating money: bringing value to others or knowing your own value? Which has a greater impact on your bottom line? So many of us get caught up in serving others. Providing ...
What is money's starring role in...
Most of us think of money as transactional:I trade my money for something that I want. The reality is we give money many more jobs to do, usually without knowing what we are doing. These additional roles end up tak...
Is Living Debt Free Really Possible...
Is living without debt possible? Society, banks, credit cards do not teach us that living without debt is possible. They tell us that we must have a FICO score to attain anything, to rent an apartment or buy a car....
Energizing Your Financial...
Join Colette and her guest Julie Steelman, who dives into the eye of the storm about how money and finances are greatly misunderstood in volatile times. Consider how you might pivot and rewrite your money s...
Going to College Debt Free with...
We have a major problem is this country with student loans, they are killing our children financially before they even graduate. There is this huge weight on their shoulders of the debt they will have to pay off wh...
Talking to your Kids about...
There are 2 uncomfortable topics we don’t talk about with our kids, its sex & money. We need to stop making these subjects taboo and talk honestly and openly about them. Join us as we not only talk about ...