Archived Episodes

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: It's All About Energy

Tap into the Feeling of Rich...

You’ve had the power all along now it’s time to be responsible for it and allows your heart's desire to be experienced and fulfilled! Why Radical self-love is the key to manifesting the abundance waitin... 

Lucid Planet Radio with Dr. Kelly

Bringing Peace to the Park:...

In this world filled with so much conflict, distrust fear and disconnection, it is easy to forget what it feels like to be comfortable and positive in public space with our fellow human brothers and sisters. 

  Monday, October 3, 2016

Host: Dr. Kelly Neff

Guest: Jay Chodagam

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Lucid Planet Radio with Dr. Kelly

Bringing Peace to the Park:...

In this world filled with so much conflict, distrust fear and disconnection, it is easy to forget what it feels like to be comfortable and positive in public space with our fellow human brothers and sisters. 

  Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Host: Dr. Kelly Neff

Guest: Jay Chodagam

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