Archived Episodes
Channeling Queen Elizabeth II: From Darkness to Light
In this fascinating episode, I interview Shawna L. Frances, a channeler who claims to connect with the spirit of Queen Elizabeth II. According to Shawna, the Queen reveals she was once a negative reptilian on Earth...
From the Shadow to Goddess Emergence with Special Guest Dr. Pat Baccili, Ph.D.
Listen as Dr. Brie Gibbs, Ph.D. shares what the Creator set in motion for her return from the shadows, to healing, to emerging, to Transformation Talk Radio™ and The Transformation Network™. ...
The Alchemy of the Soul
Transforming Lead into Gold! Watch
Beyond Ego
What is the ego? The Mindful Path!
Multi-dimentional Channeling with special guest- Lori Spagna
It is my honor to be interviewing my special guest- Lori Spagna this week to the show. She is a best selling author, Intuitive Animal Communicator, Energy Catalyst, and Visionary for the Global Community....
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie, Dr. Pia Orleane, and Cullen Baird S...
Energetic Awareness. Fall in love with yourself, Be your own Valentine.
Are You Addicted to Sugar? Use Dreams to Heal Your Sugar Addiction
Meet Kelly and learn how she used her dreams to heal her struggle with sugar addiction. You can do it too and stop the struggle! Or maybe there's something else that has a hold over you that you'd like ...
Ep. 30 - The Deliberate Pause
When we started his show, we did so unattached to any particular outcome other than to spark thought and contemplation around a broader perspective; how a shift
Ep. 29 - We Can't See It When We're in It: Perspective Shift
We can't fully see something when we are in it. Whether the "it" is a situation, environment, relationship dynamic, belief systems, the stories of illusion we live in, or something e...
Ep. 27 - We Are the Change We Need Right Now
Last year at this time, our show was about independence, and celebrating independence - why do we celebrate and what are we celebrating when not everyone has the same freedoms? Are we simply ...
Episode 23 - Embracing the Pause
We are coming up on our one-year anniversary of the SHIFT Podcast - Perspective and Our Power to Change, and we're taking a look back, embracing the pause and reflection on where we have been this past year.
Ep. 20 - Translating Our Inner Wisdom Into Action
In our last few episodes of the SHIFT, we have been developing conversation around the journey inward - being curious about our resistance to that journey, leaning in, and discussing methods and practices we can us...
Episode 19 - Resistance to Turning Inward - Part 2
Join us for this continuing conversation around our collective resistance to change. We are continuing the conversation from our last episode where we talked about our collective resista...
Episode 18 - Resistance to Turning Inward
Join us for this continuing conversation around our collective resistance to change Last week we asked, what is our collective resistance all about? We began to answer that, but there is...
Episode 16 - Attuning to our Natural Intelligence
If there is one thing that the last two years has highlighted for us, it is that as a society, at least in Weste...
Episode 14 - Creativity & Higher Consciousness w/ Special Guest Author Robert T. Norton
Continuing our conversation from Episode 13 of the SHIFT, we'll dive deeper into channeling our creativity as a vehicle for healing and expanding our consciousness; deepening our connection with Soul, ope...
Higher Consciousness - do you know the basics?
Higher Consciousness has very practical applications. It allows you to see what is invisible to most people. When yo...
Encore: Who is Archangel Uriel? Inner Wisdom Illuminated
Archangel Uriel is known as the angel of Light, that c...
Angels Bring Insights for April 2020
In this episode we’ll take a peak from several metaphysical sources inclu...
Encore: Who is Archangel Uriel? Inner Wisdom Illuminated
Archangel Uriel is known as the angel of Light, that c...
Encore: Who is Archangel Uriel? Inner Wisdom Illuminated
Archangel Uriel is known as the angel of Light, that c...
Angel Messages: Aquarius Full Moon
The angels brings messages on the Aquarius Full moon that arrives on Au...
Who is Archangel Uriel? Inner Wisdom Illuminated
Archangel Uriel is known as the angel of Light, that c...