Archived Episodes
Detoxify and Electrify with this Unique deep earth substance! Special guest Frederick Foster
Take a journey with us while we dive into the world of restoring the balance of human chemistry. where the composition of our bodies can be ...
002: Achoo! | What Is Your Body Telling You When You Sneeze
Oftentimes we overlook the simple, mundane aspects of our daily lives without a second glance. We miss the subtle signs our body is speaking when an "Achoo" is release. We graciously accept the “bless you&rdq...
Optimum hydration - the key to weight loss, healing and vitality
Are you struggling with headaches, brain fog, insomnia and joint pain? We often think these health challenges are due to gluten intake,too much sugar or too little exercise. But there is a missing, and crucial, pie...
Encore: Healing Miracle Water! Everything Your Mother Never Told You About Water with Exp...
Tune in to find out how water is changing and saving lives. Why did Dr. Pat buy a water machine now and not 10 years ago. Why Kangen?
Healing Miracle Water! Everything your mother never told you about water with Dan Edland
Tune in to find out how water is changing and saving lives. Why did Dr. Pat buy a water machine now and not 10 years ago. Why Kangen?
Water Water Everywhere But Do You Really Want To Drink? with Dan Edland and Karen Cash
Learn about the differences between Alkaline and Alkaline Ionized water and what the importance is for your health. Water is the most important substance in the world, but not all water is created equally. If you m...
The Power of Miracle Healing Water: Why ph matters- with Dan Edland and Karen Cash
Learn about the differences between Alkaline and Alkaline Ionized water and what the importance is for your health. Water is the most important substance in the world, but not all water is created equally. Stay tun...