Archived Episodes
A Mystical Map of Consciousness
None of us want to have pain, ill health, relationship problems, no one wants to live in a country where the politics doesn’t suit us, oppressive control replaces collaboration, clarity and connection.
Staying Active and Engaged
Retirement isn’t the end—it’s the beginning of new opportunities! On this episode of Seniors Rule: Age Like a Warrior, we will explore ways to remain active through volunteering, communit...
God Is Who He Is
We are still in this powerful new series " Let Get To Know God! " During this episode, Angela will be sharing teachings from the Holy Bible that will lead people into a more intimate relationship with God. An...
Authenticity & Comparison also known as Being You and Staying on Path
Being Authentic and releasing the need to compare yourself to others! Watch:
What every woman needs to know to Prevent Cervical Cancer
In this episode during the month of January, we discuss this Transformational moment in history that we are all experiencing. It is not always easy and yet every challenge of our lives is an opportunity to grow and...
Create the 2025 You Want Through Intention with special guest Rev. Connie Stomper
Have you ever manifested what you thought you wanted only to find that it doesn’t give you the experience you’d hoped for? Do you set goals and find you feel like a failure when you don’t manifest...
When the Holidays Don't Feel so Happy, What Can You Do?
In this episode, I cover the taboo topic of holiday heartache. What happens when we aren't exactly feeling the holiday cheer? We have options. We can choose to perpetuate the feelings that have become so overwhelmi...
Easy Hacks to Help Make Life Extraordinary
It seems everyone needs more something. It might be time, energy, fun, money, or even efficiency. Add in Autoimmune, and these resources may become even more scarce. Then add in overwhelm, and things can get dicey....
Calling All Autoimmune Warriors to Feed Their Souls!
Days for Autoimmune Warriors can be filled with medications, treatments, pain, fatigue, and meeting demands. Sometimes, it can start to seem that is all their is to life. We’re challenging each and every one ...
Why Your Old Motivation Isn’t Working—and What Will
Have you ever felt like the motivation that got you here just isn’t cutting it anymore? Like the fuel that once powered your drive has run dry, and you’re left wondering what’s next? If so, you&rs...
Finding a life purpose can change your life
When we have an autoimmune disease just getting out of bed can seem insurmountable. Add in going to a job we don’t like, and life seems insurmountable and often “not worth it.” Life doesn’t ...
The Four Phases of Retirement - Part 2, based on the work of Dr. Riley Moynes.
Are you interested in “Squeezing All the Juice Out of Your Retirement?” If so, this Podcast is for YOU!! During our last podcast we introduced you to Dr. Riley Moynes and his powerful research o...
Redefining Our Needs in Retirement. The Art of Self-Discovery using Maslow's Hierarchy of...
Our lives change in many ways as we get older. As we move into the different phases of our life (e.g., infant, childhood, early adulthood, adult, and senior citizen, our overall human needs remain the same (e....
Encore: What Are You Listening To? What Are You Creating?
Both Science and Spirituality tell us that we are all basically forms of vibrational energy. Our energetic vibrational ‘sound’ is creative and transmitted to others. Join Sarah as she discusses this sig...
Confidence Through Intuition
Do you lack confidence in your intuition? Join identical twins Jadi and Jasmine Kindred as they share stories about how they learned to increase their confidence in their intuition. Join them to hear tips and trick...
NO GOING BACK!!! How to Keep Moving Forward and Letting Go
We have made the choice to grow, to realize our full potential, and to make the most out of this life. Our journey began in the Personal Growth stage, where we focus...
Presence Stealer
In this episode, I share the concept that it’s not better over there than it is right here. What does that mean? When we’re focused on achieving our goals and we think th...
Recovery & Healing Series: Believing From A Place Of Guilt And Shame
Angela, Certified Recovery & Professional Coach, will be continuing her powerful life-transforming Recovery & Healing Series. She will be sharing spiritual insight and truths ...
When You Try to Feel Happy All the Time
In this episode, I talk about the concept that life is 50/50 - 50% positive emotions, 50% negative emotions - and what happens when we try to deny the 50% that is negative. When we d...
Intuition Q & A Part 2
Join me for tips and tricks on how to listen to those quiet whispers of wisdom. This Q & A will answer some of the most common burning questions I get asked about intuition. Get ready to live the life of y...
It's Time to Recharge Our HOPE BATTERY for Humanity!!
For this episode I am deviating from my step-by-step episodes for those seeking to overcome their personal challenges that are holding them back from achieving greater levels of love, joy, happines...
Intuition Q & A Part 1
Join me for tips and tricks on how to listen to those quiet whispers of wisdom. This Q & A will answer some of the most common burning questions I get asked about intuition. Get ready to live the life of y...
Tools for Self-Discovery: Changing our Unhealthy Beliefs into Healthy Beliefs -- The Powe...
It’s about you, developing your Human Potential. It’s about a choice to make the most out of this life by becoming our full potential. It’s about Mastering Your Life by learning how to Master your...
Aging is an Attitude, and Not a Disease!
Being Healthy in Body and Mind is an Attitude Mindset. Take Care of Yourself, Take Care of Mind and Body!