Archived Episodes

Zen & The Art of NLP with Dr. Stephen Simpson: A lot more success with a lot less stress™

The Power and the Peril of the Way...

Pinpointing exactly when humans learned to speak is tricky because language leaves no fossils behind. Estimates range widely, from tens of thousands to millions of years ago.... 

  Thursday, June 13, 2024

Host: Dr. Stephen Simpson MD

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Zen & The Art of NLP with Dr. Stephen Simpson: A lot more success with a lot less stress™

The Power of NLP: The Good, the...

Neurolinguistic programming, commonly known as NLP, is "a therapy designed to alter behavior by reprogramming unconscious patterns of thought.” NLP was co-created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder i... 

  Thursday, May 30, 2024

Host: Dr. Stephen Simpson MD

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Find Your Fabulous with Dr. Diane: It's Time to Ignite Your Full Power

Hey, someone stole my...

Author Vivian Probst and Dr Diane will take a deep dive into her new book “Breaking the Bias of English: How English Disempowers Those of Us Who Aren’t Men and How to Fix It In Six Words&rdq... 

  Monday, November 20, 2023

Host: Dr. Diane Garrison Ph.D.

Guest: Vivian Probst

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The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!

Linguistic Barriers-Sonabend! Gift...

BREAKING LINGUISTIC BARRIERS IN THE HOSPITAL! Dr. Adam Sonabend discusses Northwestern Memorial Hospital's launch of Hispanic Brain and Spine Tumor Program, deflating the cultural and language barrier in medical ca...