Archived Episodes
When Your Soul Gets Wings: A...
Ever feel like you're stuck in an endless cycle of self-help solutions that leave you right back where you started? In this episode, Jess reveals her Radiant Soul Path - a journey that took her from a success-drive...
Are You Stuck in the Self-Help...
Ever feel like you're stuck in an endless cycle of self-help solutions that leave you right back where you started? In this episode, Jess reveals her Radiant Soul Path - a journey that took her from a success-drive...
The 7 Powers of Potential
How much of your potential are you ignoring? Join me and my guest, Stacy Hartmann, to learn how to unlock your potential for your highest growth in midlife. You don't want to miss this one!!
Vitamin G for Self-Care with...
Self-care is a word we hear a lot lately, and with good reason. It's what goes out the window every time we feel stressed, yet it's the #1 thing we need to prioritize in order to prevent stress in the first place! ...
Stories That Inspire Hope...
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, August 19, 2022
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Anne Hayes , Sandra Lee , Latoya Stevenson , Janessa Finley-Ford
Lack Perception - Knowing About...
A lot of us may have the perception that we are lacking in some areas of our life. What if, we are more abundant than we currently think?Bringing awareness to the unseen world can help make dramatic shi...
Reframing Selfish
In this episode we'll expand on our last episode about wanting more, wanting something new or different from the status quo, while simultaneously being grateful for what we have...
Life Beyond Breath: Lessons...
Those who have a near-death experience often gain deep insight and inspiration from “the other side.” But it can be difficult to integrate that spiritual awakening into daily life. In this conversation ...
Boost your immunity with...
The coronavirus pandemic has brought our world literally to a stop, without a roadmap on where this will lead to. Since we have neither a vaccine, nor a specific treatment for the coronavirus, and our medical...
Angel Messages: Aug 30 New...
Angel messages on August 30 New Moon and the month of September 2019. &...