Archived Episodes
Handling burnout when the world...
In this episode I’ll cover the different types of burnout along with how to manage, recover, and acknowledge your limits. We'll also dive into
Who am I now? Navigating the...
The phrase ‘new normal’ has been popping up recently in the news and social media. It is a term meant to help us talk about our post-pandemic life. As our lives shift, restrictions lift, and more opport...
Monday December 7, 2020 with...
Mike will be going over some important events from the last week. Nick and Keely will be on the show to talk about The Creation Frequency and their experiences with this process. We will be going over intentions, h...
Monday November 23, 2020 with...
After covering the latest current events and news in the world today, Mike will have 3 special guests on to talk about The Creation Frequency. How are these guests using The Creation Frequency and Law of Attraction...
Monday 11/16/2020...
We've got special guests, Author, Speaker and Producer Dr. Greg Reid and Tiffany Bayne, Certified Life Coach on to talk about The Creation Frequency, the law of attraction, manifestation and tapping into the power ...
Monday 11/9/2020...
This week we will have special guest Jim Willie on the show talking about the current events going on in the world. For the 2nd half of the show we will have Tom and Barb on to talk about intention setting and The ...
September 23, 2020 Wake Up...
Only you can inform yourself on what's happening in our world today. Have you asked yourself recently if this is really what our world has come to? What's happening? Who do we believe? How can I make a difference? ...
September 22, 2020 Live News...
Mike is back, with live news. We're going to take a deep dive into the latest headlines and look at where we can make some new decisions for a better tomorrow. It's time to get real and wake up ladies and gentlemen...
September 14, 2020 Top...
Let's take a look at the latest headlines from the weekend. What's happening in the world today? How is it affecting us individually and on society as a whole? Let's break down what's happening, think critically an...
September 8, 2020 Interview...
Mike and Dane talk the latest news, geoegineering, and how our climate and world are being affected.
September 2, 2020 This...
Taking a look back at the top and trending headlines this week. Let's wake up, and find the truth!! Question everything and make our own conclusions instead of what the media is feeding us. It's time to take our po...
September 1, 2020 Let's Wake...
It's time to wake up! Question Everything! Today we are breaking down the top headlines, let's take a look at what's going on, let's get a new perspective. It's time to question what the media is telling us and mak...
August 31, 2020. Let's talk Real...
Breaking down the latest and trending news in the media. Mike takes a look at what is going on and shares some insights on what is happening. It's time to wake up! Question everything! And Get Real!
August 25, 2020 Week with Jim...
Jim Willie from the Golden Jackass and editor of Hat Trick Letter is on with Mike. Talking about real news, what's happening in our economy and what we can do, how we can change things and wake up!!
August 24, 2020 Week with Jim...
Starting the week with Jim Willie, financial expert and editor the Hat Trick Letter. Mike and Jim talk about what's going on in the news. Jim will also talk about where we are financially in the country and what we...
August 19, 2020 Interview with...
Mike interviews Kurt Krueger, COO and President of Success Systems International. Mike and Kurt are going to talk about the current events of today, how we can make a change and make create a better world for ourse...
August 18, 2020 Wake Up...
It's time to wake up! Questions everything! And Get Real with Mike Murphy! What's happening in our world, how can we change it, and what's the reality of our situation? Let's get informed ladies and gentleman, and ...
August 17, 2020 Current Events...
Today on Get Real with Mike Murphy we take a look at the trending headlines from the weekend. It's time to wake up!! Let's take a look at the current events, get informed and start making some changes.
August 11, 2020 Question...
Let's take a deep dive at the latest news. What's happening? What does it mean? Question Everything! It's time to wake up, get informed and take our power back!
August 10, 2020 Trending...
Mike takes a deep dive into the trending headlines from the weekend. Let's look at what is happening in our world, question everything! It's time to take our power back and get informed on what's real, what's not a...
August 5th, 2020 Taking a deep...
Let's take a deep dive, look at the hottest topics and break them down, look at where they are coming from and ask the tough questions. What's real, what isn't.
August 4th, 2020 Breaking down...
What's happening today? Where do you stand? Let's look at the issues going on in our world and really educate our selves about the current issues. How can we come together as a society and make a difference?