Archived Episodes
God Is Who He Is
We are still in this powerful new series " Let Get To Know God! " During this episode, Angela will be sharing teachings from the Holy Bible that will lead people into a more intimate relationship with God. An...
The Aquarian Teacher
In this episode Jacqueline and Chris explore the meaning of the word teacher and how we have been collectively taught, over time, to seek outside of ourselves what we can only truly access...
Get Your PEACE of non violence!
Live Call in show 1-800-930-2819 Watch:
Encourage Courage!
Live Call in show 1-800-930-2819 Watch:
True Joy Comes When God Removes Our Guilt
This episode will surely bless all who listen as Angie, Certified Life Coach, will be providing teaching directly from the Holy Bible as it relates to how to experience true joy in this evil world. Angie will be ex...
Create the 2025 You Want Through Intention with special guest Rev. Connie Stomper
Have you ever manifested what you thought you wanted only to find that it doesn’t give you the experience you’d hoped for? Do you set goals and find you feel like a failure when you don’t manifest...
A Goddess View on a New Year evokes imagery of renewal, empowerment, and timeless wisdom
She watches the earth, a sphere reborn from celestial heights, in the cradle of worth. Her gaze is calm, her spirit serene, and she weaves hope through the unseen fabric. A Goddess Love is Nurturing, Spiritual Love...
Encore: Keeping up in the Ageless Zone!
Watch Here:
How to Live Life As if It’s Rigged In Your Favor * *Rumi with Guest Dr. Connie Stomper
How is life “rigged in our favor” from a higher perspective?How can seeing things as “rigged in our favor enhance a sense of PURPOSE in our lives? How do we “embrace” a higher pe...
Harris V. Trump: A Lesson in Peace
Quote: Peace is internal at every moment when you seek it. All is well. All is good. There is only the presence of the Force at every moment of Existence. Description:
De-loop the mind and body of fear and anger with these actionable steps into change NOW!
Call in to the show so that Aundrea can answer all your questions at: 800-930-2819Stay with us for the next hour for tools that help De-loop the mind and body of fear and anger and lower emoti...
From Suffering to Liberation: The Buddha's Path to Inner Peace
Born a prince, Siddhartha Gautama abandoned his luxurious life after witnessing human suffering. Seeking enlightenment, he practiced asceticism but found it extreme. Meditating under a Bodhi tree, he attained enlig...
Peace is the path
Call 800-930-2819 for a reading Watch
Encore: Who Is It That Can Tell Me Who I Am?
Who am I? Am I my name, my body, my thoughts and feelings, maybe a combination of all of them or am I something else entirely? Join Sarah as she asks the important questions, and helps us find a way to an answer.
Encore: The One and Only Thing Over Which We Have Absolute Control
The wise tell us that the only thing we can control is our attitude, the emotional response to events. And they also tell us that mastery of this gives us control of everything else! Join Sarah as she spreads the g...
Discovering True Fulfilment with Special Guest Richard Lawrence
Why people search for spiritual answers to life in general and to their life in particular. This search can lead to true fulfilment. Watch https://www.transformationtalkradi...
Grab Those Reins and Live Without Stress
Quote: Counter the creation of stress in your life by creating peace as your alternative to support you functioning in high vibration. ...
Encore: The Monkey Mind: Problem Child or Faithful Friend?
The Monkey Mind is the ceaseless chatterbox in our head distracting us with hopes and dreams, fears and resentments. Can we tame the Monkey Mind and transform it from a tyrant into an invaluable helper? Join Sarah ...
Ways of Being with Peter Coyote.
How often in the day does chaos surround us? Or even stir inside us? How can we refocus to maintain peace? Can we become more enlightened? Join Doc Martin and Peter Coyote, award-winning author, narrator and Zen te...
Recovery & Healing Series: Believing From A Place Of Guilt And Shame
Angela, Certified Recovery & Professional Coach, will be continuing her powerful life-transforming Recovery & Healing Series. She will be sharing spiritual insight and truths ...
It's Time to Recharge Our HOPE BATTERY for Humanity!!
For this episode I am deviating from my step-by-step episodes for those seeking to overcome their personal challenges that are holding them back from achieving greater levels of love, joy, happines...
Relax and Be Healthy
Learn and practice being peaceful and moving in ease. Eliminate stress from your life. Quote: Practice being calm so you can train your entire being in em...
Gems: 4 Steps To Go From Grief To Joy with special guest Brian Smith
When a loved one dies, we can often feel lost, with no sense of direction. There are four practices you can be today to help get you back on your path. Watch Here: