Archived Episodes
A Modern-Day Vision Quest Part 5: Signs, Synchronicities, and Sedona: From Skeptic to Bel...
Part 5 continues with real-life stories about the segue I made from the Personal Growth stage to the Self-Discovery stage and now Enlightenment. As you may recall, I had two key...
A Modern-Day Vision Quest: Stories of Growth, Discovery, and Enlightenment, Part 4 - 1st ...
Thank you so much for joining. What an honor it is that you chose to share time with me. This podcast series uses the art of story telling to share one of the most amazing adventures in life, what I refer...
The One Essential Component for Legendary Relationships
We often think of qualities like loyalty, empathy, respect and kindness as essential to great relationships. But today, we’re diving into one of the most profound questions when it comes to relationships: Wha...
The checked out caregiver with Michele Magner
When family caregivers find their responsibilities ramping up, their stress ramps up too. Coping mechanisms are put into place, and this is our opportunity to be intentional before unintentional coping mechanisms t...
Deep Fulfillment is Possible
On today's episode of Get Rooted Radio, join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Krysti Turznik, as they assist listeners in discovering the missing pieces that have been keeping you stuck....
The Art of Reframing and Rephrasing for Relationship Enhancement
Have you ever felt misunderstood? Or thought, “They should just get that? What are they missing? That was obvious!”. Maybe, you feel less than enthused about something in your life, and you can&r...
A mother and daughter's strength and hope perspective. Watch/Listen
Ep. 30 - The Deliberate Pause
When we started his show, we did so unattached to any particular outcome other than to spark thought and contemplation around a broader perspective; how a shift
How to have Perspective – valuable ability!
This is a valuable skill for everyone. Perspective extends to business with data interpretation, decision making as well as personal. Health conditions and difficult and unknown diagnoses require lots o...
Encore: A Tool Box For Your Soul - simple ways to support personal growth
The ABC's.... We learned them at a young age in primary school and they became the foundation of the words and thoughts we use to express ourselves. But somewhere betwe...
Happy Anniversary David and Pam!
The dynamic duo are celebrating their 20th year of marriage. Pam and David will share with you some highlights from the past 20 and some of the disappointments. They will be authentic and real with...
Nature Stories to Feed the Soul With Special Guest, Erica Fielder
Imagine you are on vacation in someplace new. What's the first thing to catch your curiousity? Why are you intriqued by it? How did you satiate your curiousity? Nature has a...
Ep. 27 - We Are the Change We Need Right Now
Last year at this time, our show was about independence, and celebrating independence - why do we celebrate and what are we celebrating when not everyone has the same freedoms? Are we simply ...
Turn Trials into Triumphs!
How to harness a positive perspective throughout life's challenges.
Encore: Knowing your crazy around aging, with special guest, Dr. Rosie, author of Aging l...
Staying sane while your aging clock is ticking away.
Power of Perspective- Promoting Peace, Love, and Persistence -Don't Give Up- Get Up
Special Guest: P.J. Dixon Our world—and families—are filled with struggle and strife, seemingly every day. How can we help? How do we ma...
Episode 23 - Embracing the Pause
We are coming up on our one-year anniversary of the SHIFT Podcast - Perspective and Our Power to Change, and we're taking a look back, embracing the pause and reflection on where we have been this past year.
Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness with Wendie Colter
Are you a wellness professional experiencing burnout, frustration, and disillusionment with the current healthcare systems? Or are you a patient or client who is curious about seeking answers to your health i...
Emotional Clearing - What Is It and Why It's Important To Your Health
Does it feel like you aren't living up to your potential? Do you suffer from chronic physical pain?Is something holding you back but you can't quite put your finger on what it is?You may not know ...
Spirits Unveiled: A Fresh Perspective on Angels, Guides, Ghosts & More with Michelle Welch
From ancestors and animal spirits to elementals and extraterrestrials, Spirits Unveiled presents an impressive variety of energetic beings and teaches you how to connect with them. Michelle W...
A Tool Box For Your Soul - simple ways to support personal growth
The ABC's.... We learned them at a young age in primary school and they became the foundation of the words and thoughts we use to express ourselves. But somewhere betwe...
Knowing your crazy around aging, with special guest, Dr. Rosie, author of Aging like a Guru
Staying sane while your aging clock is ticking away. Watch live on Facebook. www.facebo...
Credit Score Recovery with guest Sondra Harris
From the 400’s to the 800’s. A sober woman’s story of financial recovery. Watch live on Facebook.
Deep listening and body wisdom
We talk a lot about active listening, but when did you last talk about deep listening to your own wisdom? Watch live on Facebook.