Archived Episodes
Digging in the Deep ~ healing...
How our daily narrative affects our lives.
Why it’s hard to try new things
It can be exciting to think about trying new things like the class you’ve always wanted to take, the experience you’ve dreamt about having, or the relationship you would like to build. Despite the...
We’ll talk about what’s keeping you from achieving your goals and what may be holding you back from taking the first step! Watch live on Facebook.
A Pleiadian View, Recreating Who...
Podcast Show: A Pleiadian View, Recreating Who We Are. We Are Standing in Our Power with Dr. Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith. We are using the Power of Choice. Being present with what is without...
Angels help neutralize...
Description: When caught up in self-talk that pulls you down or you keeps repeating the same worrisome thoughts, the Angels can step in and help out. From the Angel First Aid books, there is a Judge that works agai...
Are WE Listening to the Listener?
There are so many times We are asked "Are YOU Listening?" During this show We will take a look at Who and What We are choosing to Listen to? I will also open the Show up for you the Listener to call...
Does Positive Self Talk Really...
Can you hear yourself? “I am the way I am. Positive self talk isn’t going to help me. I can’t change what I’m thinking.” This may remind you how you’ve always related to yourself...
How to Listen to Your Inner GPS
Lynn Robinson is a bestselling author on the hot topic of developing and trusting our intuition. She teaches how to tap into the power of your “Inner GPS” to guide you to your best life.
Rewiring Your Brain for...
Rewiring Your Brain for Success is an introduction to cognitive psychology, brain physiology, neuroplasticity and how our brains conform to the messages we give it. By exploring the discoveries of such ...
The Pathway to Loving Yourself...
Psychologist Dr. Kelly joins Dr. Pat to discuss the pathway to loving yourself more deeply. Where do our blockages to self-love come from? How do we find forgiveness for ourselves and begin to change our cycles of neg...