Mental health medication may not be worth the side effects especially in youth. Join me as I share the concern over skyrocketing mental health prescriptions, and how it’s possible to improve your mental healt...
Have you ever noticed that the advertisements about drugs always list the side effects that sound really bad! Sometimes they those side effects make the condition they are trying to ...
As we age everyone wants to maintain our youthful energy look great feel great be the best version of you. Hormonal imbalance causes accelerated aging. Hormone injection therapy is expensive and has serious side ef...
As we age, everyone wants to maintain their youthful energy, look great, feel great, and be the best version of themselves. Hormonal imbalances cause accelerated ...
Ascension is about awakening to the presence of the Diine within us. As we raise our consciousness, and see things from a more unified field, it changes our reality and heightens all our intelligences (phys...
Ascension is about awakening to the presence of the Diine within us. As we raise our consciousness, and see things from a more unified field, it changes our reality and heightens all our intelligences (phys...