Archived Episodes
Transformation and the house of mirrors - Are you ignoring spiritual opportunities?
The house of mirrors is always in action… (as Rev. Christine calls it) From your “frustrations and disli...
Creating a World that Works for Everyone!
Does the idea of people living together in thriving, cooperative, sustainable Communities based on the Highest Good of all life appeal to you? Have you ever wondered what this would look like and how we get there? ...
Integrity and Word Integrity. Are your words in alignment with your integrity?
Join Rev. Christine for an interesting metaphysical and practical chat on integrity... what is integrity in it's essence? Are your words and actions aligned with your...
Create the 2025 You Want Through Intention with special guest Rev. Connie Stomper
Have you ever manifested what you thought you wanted only to find that it doesn’t give you the experience you’d hoped for? Do you set goals and find you feel like a failure when you don’t manifest...
Reading the signs… How do you know if you're on your life purpose?
Join Rev. Christine and Dr. Pat for this juicy discussion on life purpose... do we have one and if so, how do we find it... and do the choices we make moment to mome...
Higher Perspectives, Higher Quality of Life with Rev. Dr. Connie Stomper
What does taking a “higher” perspective mean? How do we recognize a higher perspective? What is the value of taking a higher perspective on situations and experiences in our life? Watch
From Darkness to Dawn: A Journey through the Soul's Trials
Welcome to this week’s episode of Transformation Talk Radio, where we delve into one of life’s most profound experiences: the Dark Night of the Soul. Often described as a period of deep inner turmoil an...
The Alchemy of the Soul
Transforming Lead into Gold! Watch
It's Time For Soul School!
In the mind blowing and soul nourishing episode, we are going to explore why it is so important to connect to your Soul-Self and how to begin doing so. It's Soul School!Books mentioned: Ga...
Encore: Who Is It That Can Tell Me Who I Am?
Who am I? Am I my name, my body, my thoughts and feelings, maybe a combination of all of them or am I something else entirely? Join Sarah as she asks the important questions, and helps us find a way to an answer.
The Road Not Taken: Consequences of Ignoring Intuition
In this captivating installment, we embark on a profound journey into the effects of neglecting our inner guidance system and the ripple effects of disregarding our intuitive whispers. Join us as we navigate the te...
Soul Essence – how does it work??
This is a very special show for us because we been talking about the soul or what we can Essence, but we never really described how it works and functions! We’ve created a meta...
Transformative Suggestions to Bring Peace and Hope
Hopelessness and desperation afflict both young and old these days. What practical steps can we take to move from a place of fear and weakness to one of strength, confidence and hope for the future? Join Sarah as s...
What is Essence and Why Is It Important?
This episode will focus on the Essence piece of the self-empowerment equation. We will discuss what Essence is, how you know when you are accessing this form of awareness and how it can help you navigate your...
Why You Must Uncover the Dream You Buried
Did you ever have a dream that you buried? You decided it was a lost cause? Some-body said it was stupid? Or maybe you were afraid you would fail? Do you even know if you have such a buried desire? How scary is it ...
How Do We Come to Know What We Know?
The wise tell us that all knowledge is innate, it is inside us all the time. How do we bring this inner knowledge out so that we can know what we know? Join Sarah as she discusses the mysterious and pow...
Empower Yourself with Wisdom
In order to move from darkness to light we need wisdom. Wisdom is not just deep knowledge, but it carries an empowering, motivating force for real change. Join Sarah as she discusses the empowering force of wisdom ...
Discover my purpose-made easy
What to do when you have not a clue, clarity or answers for yourself. Join Gabriela and Dr. Pat and find out why it is important and how to find your purpose.
Revolutionary Love; The Foundation of Self-Acceptance
In this episode, I will dive deep into self-love and self-acceptance. As I share insights on how I work with myself on these sometimes seemingly daunting tasks, I will also remind you of h...
A New Path to Fearlessness
Living fearlessly is what we all want. Stepping past our insecurities and anxieties to be our best confident and courageous selves. Join Sarah as she discusses a new way of understanding fearlessness and leads an e...
Is the Present Moment Just for the Privileged Few?
Everyone talks about the importance of living in the Now, why is it so important? Join Sarah as she delves into this important aspect of mindfulness and living in the Here and Now. She also leads an easy guided awa...
Soul Speech
There is listening, and there is ‘Listening’. How do we learn to listen to the truthful, authentic voice within, the one that can instruct, and guide, tell us exactly what we need to know. Join Sarah as...
Living with Intention – It’s an Inside Job!
How do we break free of habit, of the repetitive treadmill? One way is to discover and to use the power of intention. Join Sarah as she unlocks this magic key to freedom. Watch Here:
Mindfulness & Presence: What is it and why should we bother?
There is a lot of talk these days about the power and benefit of Mindfulness. What is it exactly and why should we take the time to be present. Join Sarah as she explains the power and value of ...