Archived Episodes
The Secret to Effortless Freedom
Ready to break free from life's silent struggles without the battle? In this episode, discover how true liberation unfolds naturally when you shift from forcing change to flowing with divine timing. Learn how to re...
A Time to Be Strong and Confident
Today we need inner strength and confidence. True strength and firmness is resolute and steady, it doesn’t mean rigid. In this show Sarah looks at the wisdom in Sanskrit that illuminates where...
The Rise of ‘Damayanti – For Your Soul’
‘Conscious Confidence – a Timeless Wisdom’ is making a major step and evolving into ‘Damayanti – for Your Soul’. &lsq...
Feel Like You've Been Searching For Your Purpose Everywhere?
Are you seeking your greater purpose but are confused by the various avenues out there or that you've already tried? Astrology, personality tests, Tarot cards, meditating on it. What does that all mean,...
Episode #6 - Conquering The Fears
Becoming 'The Finder of Lost Things' hasn't been an easy path to tread - every fear has been triggered within Hannah and in those around her. Fear of spirit, fear of being abandoned, fear of rejection, fe...
Are you Ready to Get Your Goddess Groove On and Be the Change of New Earth Vibration?
Join me for a deep healing conversation around your role in the co-creation of the New Earth vibration. What is your role to play now? How the return of the Divine Feminine energies are here to support your role in...
You Deserve to Love Your Life with Norma T. Hollis
Tune into this episode of Vibrant, Powerful Moms to hear Authenticity Expert, Norma Hollis, share how to reconnect with your authentic self; how authenticity and being extraordinary are connected; why doing things ...
Mastering Your Path
How do you get to where you want to go on your life's journey? If you're feeling stuck, tune in and find out how to move forward on your path from where you are now. In this episode, we'll explore gifts and talents...
Leaving Your Corporate Job: A Fresh Perspective and Top Secrets & Tools to Pursuing Your ...
So many of us have a dream we’d like to go after but it can be scary to pursue our desires. So, we stay stuck in the 9-5, hoping something will change, though it never does. In today’s episode, Deborah ...
Archangel Michael: The Great Turning Point
The Great Turning Point refers to the December 21st so...
Helping Moms Thrive in the Workforce with Nicola Grace
Nicola Grace The Mission Mentor helps purpose driven people clarify and monetize their mission to make a difference and leave a legacy of which they can be proud. In this episode we talk about re-entering the workf...
Free Will versus Destiny - How Much Free Will Do We Have and How Can We Best Apply It wit...
How are Destiny and Free Will viewed from the perspective of one’s soul and our ego? The ego is consumed with the idea of control. It believes it has control and it definitely wants more. But what does it act...
Leaving Your Corporate Job to Pursue Your Dreams with Deb Acker
So many of us have a dream we'd like to go after but are scared to pursue our truth. We stay stuck in our 9-5, hoping something will change, though it never does. In today's episode, we'll discuss the top secrets a...
Daily Life and Soul Purpose: A Balancing Act
We can get bogged down with the pressures or concerns of daily life to the point we forget our soul purpose - a thread through all of our activity. Let’s talk about how to balance it all.
Everyday Spirituality - Living Your Soul's Purpose with Co-host Nancy Monson
You have two choices in life: you either fight your soul’s purpose or embrace your purpose. In this episode we will explore the typical ways we fight living our soul’s design and purpose and how working...