In this fascinating episode, I interview Shawna L. Frances, a channeler who claims to connect with the spirit of Queen Elizabeth II. According to Shawna, the Queen reveals she was once a negative reptilian on Earth...
The unseen world is intelligent, wise, full of love, and ready to assist us in all things. Doc Martin and Nancy Shobe, spiritual medium,, sure to uplift your life and move you forward.
This is your Energy Healing and Psychic Channeling Session with Pam Bright. The first Thuirsday of each month is dedicated to channeling and psychic messages. The Bright Butterfly will be bringing in the ener...
How do we receive and send signals to spirits which draw them to us?
Call into the show 800-930-2819 and share your spirit contact stories with us.
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Clair? Clair, is that you?? Join me to talk about some of the most common superpowers that you probably didn't know you have! It's just the tip of the iceberg but your superpowers are unique to you.&nbs...