Telling anyone bad news is uncomfortable at best, but learning to do it in a way people can hear it is a great skill for any leader. Whether as a boss, parent, peer, or spouse, you can learn to confront with calm, ...
Is true life-change possible? Are people destined to be stuck in their ways? This fundamental question lies underneath most of our hopes and dreams and fears, so in this episode let's unearth it, and see if we can'...
There are happy marriage tools that can be counted on to create and sustain a loving, happy marriage if you are willing to learn and use them! Nancy Landrum has made it her mission to teach others the tools t...
We can shift our perspective and change our world. Life can be exceptionally gratifying when we realize that our thoughts create our interactions and our interactions create our relationships. And to truly relate i...
In today’s workplace, where time is a precious commodity, managers and leaders often believe they don’t have the time to help employees navigate conflict. More often than not, however, it takes more tim...