Archived Episodes
The Relevance of Now with...
Explore the many facets of Yourself, Your Heart, Your Thoughts, Your Emotions, Your Beliefs Systems and Your True Identity with new clarity. Let yourself expand beyond old thought patterns and prior experience, int...
Radical Regeneration:...
Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker explore how Sacred Activism--specifically, creative, wise, sacredly inspired action--offers an antidote to the crises facing our world. They show ho...
What is Happening with Divine...
Connecting with Patricia of Divine Guidance!
Empowered and Trusting Your...
Join us to find out how Cindy empowers self and teaches other to do the same. How do you change doubt into trust? Am I imagining the guidance or are Angels really helping me? Learn how Cindy created step by step in...
Being an Empath, the Good and...
Being an empath is tricky business. So many of us have this Divine Gift, yet it can affect us in such negative ways such as feeling overwhelmed, energy drain, always feeling like we have to help others manage their...
On the Edge of the Miraculous
Have you ever experienced a Miracle? What was it about that experience that was miraculous for you? Miracles happen every day, small and large. Do we create our own miracles by saying “yes” to opportuni...
Becoming a Garment of Isis:...
Offering a practical guide to the key principles within the Egyptian temple tradition, Naomi Ozaniec explores the process of creating and developing a personal relationship with the Neteru, the divinities and force...
Spirit Marriage: Intimate...
An in-depth exploration of the practice, relevance, and purpose of spirit marriage around the world. Exploring the phenomenon of the spirit spouse or spirit lover--an entity to which a human is psychically bonded--...
The Journey of Unbecoming...
To become who you really are, you must first unbecome who you are not ! Watch live on Facebook. www.fa...
Journey with The Holy Spirit with...
Dialog with Dr. Lisa Kohut about her journey with the Holy Spirit! Watch live on Facebook. www.faceboo...
How to use Reiki to find your...
If you don't go within, you go without. Yogis have always known this. And yet we have always sought so much instant gratification from things, objects, people, ideas....outside ourselves. Join Dr. Pat ...
Divine Receiving: how to translate...
Your relationship with the Divine is one of the important components of your Soul Money Relationship. Learn 3 ways to shift your Divine relationship so that you can allow divine resources to flow into your bank acc...
The Kingdom: A Channeled Text...
The Kingdom is a transcription of Paul’s channeled messages, direct from the Guides in their complete and unedited form.With beautiful language and profound wisdom, The Guides share an awe-inspirin...
31 Days of Prayer with Special...
This guide is set up for you to choose a pray for each day of the month. This guide is set up for you to choose a pray for each day of the month. Based on blessings previously shared with her community, Tracy offer...
The Reluctant Mystic to...
Do you have a profound spiritual calling, but you are afraid to fulfill your divine destiny? First, let’s explore the reasons for your reluctance and what you can do now to awaken to the miraculous life that ...
Freedom: Is It a State of Being...
Where in your life are you really, really free? Or otherwise? Especially as we are coming out of Covid Quarantine which imposed severe restrictions on us -- how has the world changed in terms of you feeling or know...
We are hard wired to be allowers and receivers of resources, but we are programmed to be makers and doers. How do we switch that programming? How do we allow ourselves to open up and receive what we want instead of...
The Ancient Language of...
Exploring the acoustic connections between the Earth, the human brain, and sacred spaces, David Elkington shows how humanity maintained a direct line of communication with Mother Earth and the Divine through the co...
The Divine Feminine Tao Te...
Rosemarie Anderson shares her discoveries of the Divine Feminine Tao alongside her original translation of the Tao Te Ching. Working from ancient silk and bamboo slip manuscripts, the oldest known copies of the Tao...
Archangel Fire Oracle Cards...
Angels are the keepers of our ascension pathway. They assist humanity toward personal and collective enlightenment, bringing us love, guidance, power, healing, and deep transformation. This oracle deck and guideboo...
The Mystery Tradition of...
Don’t know what to make of Mary’s virgin birth? Author Marguerite Rigoglioso has dug deeply into this mystery, discovering an entire world-wide practice of sacred women who have known how to bring divin...
Have YOU ever felt like You...
Join me and my Guest Brian Francis as we take you on an adventure sharing about his experiences in creating his new book Between Two Worlds. Spiritual Writings and Photographs. Watch live on Facebook.
Healing As the Divine Feminine...
Join us as we discuss healing with Divine Feminine Ascended Masters and how they are showing us completely new healing and consciousness potentials. Watch live on Facebook.
How Covid19 is The Spiritual...
This talk with Zalah from The CFT The Centre For Transformation takes a deeper look into the spiritual catalyst of Covid19 and the gifts it is bringing to human consciousness.