Archived Episodes
What is Happening with Divine Guidance? with Special Guest Patricia McNair
Connecting with Patricia of Divine Guidance!
Revealing Your Planetary Purpose with Guest Host Patricia McNair and Guest Ethann Fox
Hi there everyone, it is ME again Patricia of Divine Guidance with Patricia. Wow I am so Humbled to be asked again to fill in for the Amazing Dr. Pat on her Show. With that said I wanted to Bring IT on the sh...
Have YOU ever felt like You were Between Two WORLDS? with Guest Host Patricia McNair and ...
Join me and my Guest Brian Francis as we take you on an adventure sharing about his experiences in creating his new book Between Two Worlds. Spiritual Writings and Photographs. Watch live on Facebook.
The Divine Guidance Experience- SOULutions for the Whole BEing with Patricia McNair
Focus on YOUR journey with your Whole Being
Three keys to silencing your Inner Dream Stealer and unlocking your true potential
You aren’t good enough, you’ll never be successful, you should just give up. What if they don’t like you? No one really cares. Sound familiar? You know that you can succeed if you can just believe...
Your "Why" Not Working For You? Try on this Divine Truth
You have heard it before, “Know your Why” and we know that our Why needs to be stronger than our excuses. But, What if you don’t feel like your Why is strong enough to help you overcome your block...
The One Weekly Business Meeting You Can’t Afford to Miss
As entrepreneurs we often feel lonely, lost, and stuck in our business, but the good news is there is a way to gain divine guidance whenever we need it. All it takes is a business meeting with the best business par...
Divine Guidance with Co-host Dr. Dan Cohen
Twice in his life Dr. Cohen received divine guidance. In both instances the information was presented to him with unmistakable clarity and in both cases the information was transmitted to him in a manner that could...