Archived Episodes
Get Unstuck in 2020 with Guest Host Tracy L Clark!
Many people are stuck because they are living in the past. Is that you? Have you ever caught yourself saying i wish i had many different choices. The reality is you are here now and the choices you have made are pe...
Be Your Own Hero in 2020 with Guest Host Claire Candy Hough!
In today’s show, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family, The Posse of Angels will share insights and messages on how many of us now have the ability to operate in 5th dimensional energies with the capacity...
Overcoming Holiday Loneliness with Dr. Bradley Nelson
Many feel stressed during the holidays, and one underlying cause can be loneliness. In this conversation with Christine, bestselling author Dr. Bradley Nelson (The Emotion Code) explains that such loneliness is oft...
Develop your intuition and access to Angelic Guidance with Angel Oracle Cards with specia...
Awaken your innate intuitive abilities by working with the power of the Angels!
Sacred Smoke: Clear Away Negative Energies and Purify Body, Mind, and Spirit with Special...
Sacred Smoke is an essential guide for anyone seeking to create a sacred space free of negativity, practice the ritual use of cleansing and clearing to protect and heal themselves, their home, and their family. Thi...
Vibrational Energy Oracle Deck with special guest Debbie Anderson!
How to Use an Oracle Deck in Your Life to Open Doors, Make Decisions from a Place of Alignment with Spirit, and Ensure Ease and Prosperity. 3 Steps to Get Maximum Success from Oracle Cards and Using Decks to Provid...
What stops you? with Sharon Rolph!
Do you have enough courage? Courage to be unique, to follow our dreams and live your truth. How to strengthen our mental health and mindset to be our best. Watch live on Facebook.
Handle the Lump, Heal your Life Part 5 with Dana Theriault and Dianne Solano
What does mean it to be a “Consumer”? Is consumption limited to the MATTER you put in your mouth when it comes to health, healing, or human potential? What comes to MIND when you think of all you &ldquo...
Connecting with a loved one…Reconnecting with self with Angie Corbett-Kuiper!
Believing without seeing...recognizing the signs. To feel is to heal. Dispelling self-limiting beliefs about death and dying. To love....The ultimate goal! Watch live on Facebook.
Encore: How Can You Strengthen Your Energetic Immune System with guests Jeff Casper and J...
Silencing our ego mind's voice, strengthening the voice of our heart, getting to know ourselves & learning how to integrate our ego, trusting in our inner guidance to carry us through our challenges and absolut...
The Bridge from Chaos to Flow
When in alignment with the flow of life, we often experience both inspiration and a sense of ease. But when the chaos of life knocks us off kilter, how do we navigate our way back to flow? In this show, Christine o...
Mass Shootings – Real insight and what you can do to protect yourself with Jason and Patr...
Jason and Patricia are skilled Intuitives who have been working with clients for over 20 years and created The Ecosystem Approach! They were upset with the current wave of mass shootings so they channeled the Vegas...
Healthy, Happy Cats: A Holistic Approach to Feline Wellbeing with Kac Young
Cats can bring so much joy to the humans in their lives. Yet sometimes our feline friends need help adjusting their behavior or health in order to thrive. Author and holistic practitioner Dr. Kac Young talks with f...
How Can You Strengthen Your Energetic Immune System with guests Jeff Casper and Jona Bryndis
Silencing our ego mind's voice, strengthening the voice of our heart, getting to know ourselves & learning how to integrate our ego, trusting in our inner guidance to carry us through our challenges and absolut...
The Gifts Beneath Your Anxiety: Simple Spiritual Tools to Find Peace, Awaken the Power Wi...
Signs Spirit may be communicating with you! Do you or does someone you know suffer from unexplained anxiety, panic attacks, or sadness? Are you often overwhelmed with compassion for others’ pain? Do people so...
Taking back the realm of Magic and Miracle with Heather Allison!
We've been conditioned for too long by this Wounded Masculine Paradigm — the Patriarchy, if you like — to reject the Power, abilities and access to Miracle and Magic that exists within the Feminine Ener...
The Resume' of Life with author Terry J. Walker!
Terry J. Walker discusses how inspiration and motivation lead to transformation and how to create a life of abundance. Empowering you to build your resume' of life! Watch live on Facebook.&nb...
Journey into Awakening with the Wolves with guest Julia Griffin!
This episode describes the awakening of Julia Griffin while she lived and played with real wolves. You’ll hear about how she learned to hear the voices of animals and found her gifts as well as the wolves&rsq...
Even Coaches Need Coaches with guest Coach Peggy Willms!
Often when we are experts in our own field, we forget we still need guidance and support. We also get complacent and hover in our comfort zones. Doctors need their own doctor. Teachers lean on other brilliant teach...
Tarot for Troubled Times with Shaheen Miro and Theresa Reed!
Each of us has a shadow that darkens our inner and outer lives. In Tarot for Troubled Times, Shaheen Miro and Theresa Reed show us how working with the shadow—facing it directly, leaning into it rather than a...
"Givin' Up the Ghost!" with Wendy Williams!
Listen in as Wendy & Dr. Pat discuss what leads to Earth-bound energies (ghosts), how soul retrievals can improve your health, and the amazing power of forgiveness.
Encore: Grow a New Body: How Spirit and Power Plant Nutrients Can Transform Your Health w...
Using the principles and practices in this book, you can feel better in a few days, begin to clear your mind and heal your brain in a week, and in six weeks be on your way to growing a new body—one that heals...
The Journey Home – Gifts Left Behind with Darcy Pariso!
Ella’s journey home & why it’s important to you. What your animals want you to understand. Can they send us songs and even move things? Unexpected ways they communicate that you’ll want to kno...
The Ecosystem Approach a revolutionary way to find and ADDRESS what’s truly holding you b...
The Ecosystem Approach was created by a two Intuitives who are married to each other! Find out how they got started and learned how to make life better for our clients over the last 20 years! The Ecosystem Approach...