Archived Episodes
Create the 2025 You Want Through Intention with special guest Rev. Connie Stomper
Have you ever manifested what you thought you wanted only to find that it doesn’t give you the experience you’d hoped for? Do you set goals and find you feel like a failure when you don’t manifest...
Higher Perspectives, Higher Quality of Life with Rev. Dr. Connie Stomper
What does taking a “higher” perspective mean? How do we recognize a higher perspective? What is the value of taking a higher perspective on situations and experiences in our life? Watch
What is AI for the Soul?
What if the world of AI (Artificial Intelligence) could be utilized for empowering and healing the world? What if we didn't need to live in fear of technology, but embrace the magic it can create? Dr. Pat brings yo...
Ep. 30 - The Deliberate Pause
When we started his show, we did so unattached to any particular outcome other than to spark thought and contemplation around a broader perspective; how a shift
Ep. 29 - We Can't See It When We're in It: Perspective Shift
We can't fully see something when we are in it. Whether the "it" is a situation, environment, relationship dynamic, belief systems, the stories of illusion we live in, or something e...
Having Fully Expressed Polyamorous Relationships with Elizabeth Cunningham
Do you believe that you have to sacrifice parts of yourself when creating relationships? When you get in relationships do you automatically assume that it's normal to hide different aspects of who you are? Do you h...
Episode 23 - Embracing the Pause
We are coming up on our one-year anniversary of the SHIFT Podcast - Perspective and Our Power to Change, and we're taking a look back, embracing the pause and reflection on where we have been this past year.
Opening up with Elizabeth Cunningham
This is a conversation with Elizabeth Cunningham about exploring the world of non monogamy. It takes courage, self-acceptance and the hunger to truly live and be authentic, to create relationships outside of the no...
Episode 15 - Are You Reacting or Responding?
Are you living life or is life living you? It's one of the overarching questions that drives our conversations on perspective and our power to change on the SHIFT Podcast. ...
Episode 14 - Creativity & Higher Consciousness w/ Special Guest Author Robert T. Norton
Continuing our conversation from Episode 13 of the SHIFT, we'll dive deeper into channeling our creativity as a vehicle for healing and expanding our consciousness; deepening our connection with Soul, ope...
Episode 11 - Shifting the "Shoulds"
Remember when meditation wasn't mainstream? What about Reiki sounded too "Woo Woo" to be true? Sensory deprivation, sound therapy, and cryotherapy are alternative healing modal...
The SHIFT Podcast - Episode 7 - Reframing Selfish Series - Let's Talk Boundaries
The SHIFT Podcast - Episode 7 - Reframing Selfish Series - Let's Talk Boundaries Reframing Selfish is not about av...
Reframing Selfish
In this episode we'll expand on our last episode about wanting more, wanting something new or different from the status quo, while simultaneously being grateful for what we have...
Wanting More than the Status Quo
This week’’s show continues with the discussion from our last show, the concept of independence and exploring beyond the surface of what we know or thought to be true. Questioning how and w...
Angels Create Expansion with Sue Storm The Angel Lady!
Angel Randolph is waiting to help expand your territory. What more do you want that Randolph can assist in manifesting. This is a time that Angels stand ready to open doors to greater prosperity. Christopher is the...
Angels Spring into Step with The Angel Lady Sue Storm!
The Angels of joy and expansion, love the month of March. Spring is in the air and they want to uplift your spirit. Joseph is the Angel of Joy and Randolph is the Angel of Expansion--let these Angels guide you into...
A Letter to COVID-19 with Sabrina Wright!
A Personal Reflection and Response to COVID-19 and the Year It has Created! A Whole-istic Perspective to the year 2020 and What I’ve learned about myself and others around me. Watch live on Facebook. ...
It's fun until someone gets poked in the 'i' with Special Guest Tanis McRae!
Do you ever wonder why someone can just say words out of their mouths and your feelings get hurt? Or why words that are directed at you over and over can actually undermine and destroy your self-esteem. What is act...
Fueled by Freedom - Amplifying Your Life of “Wealth” with Dianne Solano
Tune in to discover: How to Inspire others who are feeling stuck in life - emotionally, f...
Thriving after Spiritual Burnout with Author Cate Montana
Author Cate Montana talks with Christine about the very real problem of spiritual burnout—how it manifests, its underlying causes, and the ways in which it can illuminate our pathway to greater expansion.
PSAT/NMSQT Scores-Strauss; Seniors refuse help?Dr. Lindquist; Visiting aging parents-Baie...
PARENTS: YOUR CHILD GOT THEIR PSAT/NMSQT SCORES—NOW WHAT? with Aaron Lemon-Strauss. The College Board Helps You Understand What the PSAT/NMSQT Score Means and Provides Tips to Help Your Child Prepare for the ...
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Aaron Lemon-Strauss , Dr. Lee Lindquist , Cindy Baier , Sharon Miller
How to Deepen into the Flow of More Joy
If you're someone who, either now or in the past, has found safety in the feeling of being in control and who has struggled with the idea of trust, in people or something greater, then listen in. We dive into ...