Archived Episodes
The Mystery Tradition of...
Don’t know what to make of Mary’s virgin birth? Author Marguerite Rigoglioso has dug deeply into this mystery, discovering an entire world-wide practice of sacred women who have known how to bring divin...
Dream Like Jesus: Deepen Your...
Rebekah Simon-Peter explores her own spiritual journey and helps leaders learn to get past the "standard" Christianity and learn to dream like Jesus, thus inspiring individuals and congregations to dream and achiev...
27 Questions To Make You Sweat:...
Who are you really? Is your life ruled by fear, or is love the motor of your existence? Recognize your authentic self and decide who you want to be. These questions will confront you with ways of seeing you...
Exploring What Really Happened...
David Young; discussing his latest book: The True Story of Jesus and His Wife Mary Magdalena!
Encore: Liberating Jesus with...
Liberating Jesus makes a leap forward. Roberta’s most amazing discovery has been that Jesus’ description and understanding of the afterlife squares perfectly with what those who communica...
Liberating Jesus with Attorney...
Liberating Jesus makes a leap forward. Roberta’s most amazing discovery has been that Jesus’ description and understanding of the afterlife squares perfectly with what those who communica...
Return of the Divine Sophia...
Healing the Earth through the Lost Wisdom Teachings of Jesus, Isis, and Mary Magdalene with Author Tricia McCannon