Archived Episodes
Empowered and Trusting Your Intuition with Guest Cindy Smith
Join us to find out how Cindy empowers self and teaches other to do the same. How do you change doubt into trust? Am I imagining the guidance or are Angels really helping me? Learn how Cindy created step by step in...
The Amazonian Angel Oracle: Working with Angels, Devas, and Plant Spirits with Howard Cha...
This oracle deck and guide presents a hands-on tool to connect with the shamanic spirits and angelic beings of the Amazon as well as the visionary power of ayahuasca. The deck includes 33 vivid full-color c...
ANGELS UPLIFT OUR SPIRITS with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
The Angels desire is to bring Joy, peace, and prosperity to your life. Joseph is the Angel of Joy, William is the Angel of Peace, and Katrina is the Angel of Prosperity. As a team they are unbeatable. These three A...
Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle Deck and Guidebook with Lisa Estabrook
The Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle Deck and accompanying guidebook feature 44 powerful Soulflowers who wish to help you remember the simple truth that all of Nature is sharing—that we are cyclical beings...
ANGEL FIRST AID TECHNIQUES with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
Improve your life through the use of Angel First Aid Techniques. These include visualizations and remedies for all facets of life--love, relationships, health, career, and finances. Allow yourself to be elevated to...
Angels Help you Blossom with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
May flowers are in bloom. Is your life purpose in bloom as well? Angels will help your life blossom into a higer-purpose reality. Bradley, Angel of Purpose, assists in a search to identify a life's path and encoura...
Take the Journey Back To Me with a Freedom Coach & Oracle with Guest Gina Gayle Gray
Gina Gayle Gray helps her clients by guiding them back to their True Highest Self where they can find “Soul-U-tions” to every issue they may be experiencing within their life. As a Freedom Coach, she is...
Holidays with the Angels with Guest Sue Storm The Angel Lady
Joy to the World from the Angels. This is their season for Joy, Happiness, and Inspiration. The Angels who will celebrate with you are: Joseph for Joy, Eileen for Happiness, and Rachel for Inspiration. And, you wil...
360 Degrees of Your Star Destiny: A Zodiac Oracle with Guest Ellias Lonsdale
In this extraordinary synthesis of 50 years in star work, astrologer Ellias Lonsdale explains how each of the 12 signs of the zodiac has 30 degrees, and each degree, like every star, is the center of a whole system...
Archangel Fire Oracle Cards with Alexandra Wenman
Angels are the keepers of our ascension pathway. They assist humanity toward personal and collective enlightenment, bringing us love, guidance, power, healing, and deep transformation. This oracle deck and guideboo...
Angelic Connections & Angel Readings with Guest Host Psychic Medium Jaime
Join Psychic Medium Jaime as she explores the different categories of the angelic realms from her perspective. Angels are underutilized and can help us in so many ways. All we have to do is ask for help and guidanc...
Love and Light with Crystal Blue Oracle, Healing as a Tribe and Taking Responsibility for...
Talking about Valerie's healing modalities with an Angelic Energy and Shamanic Healer Watch live on Facebook.
Cheer’s To Our Every Day Hero’s with guest hosts Psychic Medium Jaime and Spiritwalker Ni...
Join Psychic Medium Jaime and Spiritwalker Nicole as they pay tribute to the everyday heroes of 2020. Today is a day to lift our spirits, raise our vibration and enter in a new year on a new vibrational level...
The Creativity Oracle with Author Monte Farber & Artist Amy Zerner!
CREATIVITY ORACLE: Visions of Enchantment to Guide & Inspire Magic Makers! How does an oracle work? Call in! 1-800-930-2819
Lost Book of the Grail -The Sevenfold Path of the Grail & Restoration of the Faery Accord...
Reveals the long-forgotten prequel to the Grail mythos and how it has profound resonance with modern times. Includes the complete text of the Grail prequel, The Elucidation of the Grail, a 13th-century poem newly t...
Sacred Vision Oracle Cards with Author's Lynn V. Andrews and Robert Taylor
This Oracle deck connects the lessons of balance and harmony with gorgeous Native American artwork by celebrated artist Robert Taylor. This stunning package includes 29 full color cards along with a 128-page guideb...
The Union of Isis and Thoth with Co-author Nicki Scully
Deep within each of us lives a primal memory of a time when the natural world was recognized as divine and our temples were built from sacred materials enlivened through magic. Temples were not places you visited o...
Grace Your Space With Flare! Dragon Art To Soothe Your Soul with Colette Marie Stefan
The more your physical environment supports you, the easier and more effortless life is. Paintings and energy correcting cards are the perfect tool to instill positive energy in to a room or home because they embod...