Fire it up with CJ!: Creative Thinking and expression for children with Terres Unsoeld
09/06/2012 01:00 pm PST
How to develop your child's creative thinking and expression? How is creativity and creative expression related to your child's health and happiness? Learn how to use new tools such as Color and the Law of the 5 Elements from Chinese medicine to teach your children self confidence, imagination and creativity, as well as developing a closer link to Nature.
CJ Liu
The Fire it UP with CJ show offers busy people a place to come to help improve their own well-being while living in healthy harmony with the planet. The show is based on the...
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Terres Unsoeld
Faery/Shaman Terres Unsoeld is Tama-Do's Senior Instructor, teaching workshops around the world. She has made a life's work helping people to create their own paths of self ...
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