Fire it up with CJ!: Life Lessons kids can learn on the sports field with Bruce Brown

Fire it up with CJ!: Life Lessons kids can learn on the sports field with Bruce Brown

  03/03/2011  01:00 pm PST

What does healthy parent involvement in sports look like? What is non helpful involvement? What are the valuable life lessons your kids get on the field? Hear what author and speaker Coach Brown says about sports and how it can develop your child's character.


CJ Liu

CJ Liu

The Fire it UP with CJ show offers busy people a place to come to help improve their own well-being while living in healthy harmony with the planet. The show is based on the...

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 Bruce Brown

Bruce Brown

Bruce Brown is a man of many talents, a multi-dimensional man in an often single dimensional world. Brown has been a Teacher, Coach, and Athletic Administrator with 35 years...

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