Teaching from the Heart with Julie K: Creating Strong Relationships-How to Transform Blame, Shame, Judgment and Guilt with Expert Lori Petro

Teaching from the Heart with Julie K: Creating Strong Relationships-How to Transform Blame, Shame, Judgment and Guilt with Expert Lori Petro

  11/26/2012  06:00 am PST

Whether in your home or classroom, the simple act of shifting your perspective from fear to love and from control to connection can turn ANY resistance into cooperation and without stress and struggle that usually follows punitive discipline.


Julie Kleinhans

Julie Kleinhans

Teaching From the Heart is a radio program that supports parents, teachers and the community by providing practical ways to teach young people how to become confident in who...

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 Lori Petro

Lori Petro

Lori Petro is a mom, parent educator, writer, speaker, children's advocate and the founder of TEACH through Love. She graduated magna cum laude from Temple University with h...

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