Teaching from the Heart with Julie K: De-Clutter and Organize Your Life as a Parent and help for the children too with Missy Bystrom

Teaching from the Heart with Julie K: De-Clutter and Organize Your Life as a Parent and help for the children too with Missy Bystrom

  02/25/2013  06:00 am PST

Join Missy Bystrom, professional organizer of over 25 years, as she shares her experience and insights with you on Organizing and De-cluttering your life and your environment. Learn how to strike a balance in your busy life, amidst the pressures to be perfect. Also, learn tips and tricks to involve children in contributing to a calm and peaceful environment.


Julie Kleinhans

Julie Kleinhans

Teaching From the Heart is a radio program that supports parents, teachers and the community by providing practical ways to teach young people how to become confident in who...

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 Missy Bystrom

Missy Bystrom

Missy Bystrom is an Organizing Certification Trainer, Author, Speaker, and a leading Personal and Business Organizer in Orange County, California. For more than 25 years, Mi...

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