Teaching from the Heart with Julie K: How to Heal Yourself and Empower Children with guest Jason Nelson

Teaching from the Heart with Julie K: How to Heal Yourself and Empower Children with guest Jason Nelson

  12/10/2012  06:00 am PST

Get ready to be empowered - Jason Nelson will explain how we can end suffering by moving into the true peace of our soul Join us as Jason describes how to use a divinely channeled process called The Five Accomplishments to Becoming One with Your Soul, which will help you to transform your life to experience Soul-Based Living. Plus learn other tips and techniques from Jason's new book Empower Our Children: God's Call to Parents, How to Heal Yourself and Your Children which offers spiritual solutions to guide adults through being a conscious parent and healing our own inner child.


Julie Kleinhans

Julie Kleinhans

Teaching From the Heart is a radio program that supports parents, teachers and the community by providing practical ways to teach young people how to become confident in who...

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 Jason Nelson

Jason Nelson

Jason Nelson is a defining voice of soul-based living. For over a decade as a Spiritual Life Coach and Author, he has helped thousands of people through his international pr...

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