Teaching from the Heart with Julie K: How to raise children with a healthy mind, happy heart and joyful soul Expert Christy Whitman-encore

Teaching from the Heart with Julie K: How to raise children with a healthy mind, happy heart and joyful soul Expert Christy Whitman-encore

  10/29/2012  06:00 am PST

This NY Times Bestselling author and creator of the Enlightened Kid Program discusses the fundamental things that we need to do as parents to ensure that we are raising children that are empowered and stay connected to their Divine connection.


Julie Kleinhans

Julie Kleinhans

Teaching From the Heart is a radio program that supports parents, teachers and the community by providing practical ways to teach young people how to become confident in who...

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Christy Whitman

Christy Whitman

Christy Whitman is a New York Times bestselling author, transformational leader, and author of the forthcoming book The Art of Having It All. She has appeared on T...

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