Teaching from the Heart with Julie K: Teenagers.....What If It Was Easy? Glenna Rice of The Questionable Parent

Teaching from the Heart with Julie K: Teenagers.....What If It Was Easy? Glenna Rice of The Questionable Parent

  03/03/2013  10:00 am PST

Did anyone ever teach you to be the parent of a teenager? What if you had tools that could create it a whole lot easier?


Julie Kleinhans

Julie Kleinhans

Teaching From the Heart is a radio program that supports parents, teachers and the community by providing practical ways to teach young people how to become confident in who...

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Dr. Glenna Rice

Dr. Glenna Rice

If you would like more ease in parenting...Glenna is a radically different wealth of possibilityGlenna Rice, MPT The Questionable Parent is a single mother of three, 8, 13 ...

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