The Connie Pheiff Show: The Connie Pheiff Show: 7 Levers: The roadmap to sustainable growth for today’s lifestyle entrepreneur from Pete Williams
11/26/2018 02:00 pm PST
Named by forces “one entrepreneur every marketer should be modeling” and INC. describes him as “a savvy marketing strategist.
His new book Cadence: a tale of fast business growth was just announced as 2018’s Best Business book at the International Business Awards.
A Southern Region Finalist in the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Program, a Small Business ICON (Best-in-Class) Recipient, and an Australian Business Award Winner for Marketing Excellence, he is the co-founder of numerous businesses across varying industries—from telecommunications services to e-commerce.
Pete’s companies include Infiniti Telecommunications,, SpringCom Telecommunications, and Preneur Group (, an advisory-consulting firm that guides business owners through the process of increasing profits, margins and other key indicators by using the 7 Levers approach to business growth.
Here’s your take-away: Why you need to stop hitting for the fences and trying to triple your traffic as your only growth strategy.
Learn more about Pete Williams and his audience-offer at:
Former executive turned Lifestyle entrepreneur, Connie Pheiff is ridiculously dedicated to inspiring individuals to activate their power & live their dream as a lifestyle entrepreneur.
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Connie Pheiff
Connie Pheiff, Founder and CEO of the Pheiff Group. Philanthropist, Social Venture Entrepreneur, and #BeyondMeToo Activist. Most know her as the Unstoppable DIVA with a dist...
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