The Free Lawyer Podcast with Gary Miles: Are Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back in Your Legal Career?, The Most Effective Strategies for Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

The Free Lawyer Podcast with Gary Miles: Are Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back in Your Legal Career?, The Most Effective Strategies for Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

  03/30/2024  10:00 am PDT

The Free Lawyer Podcast with Gary Miles: Are Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back in Your Legal Career?, The Most Effective Strategies for Overcoming Limiting Beliefs Gary discusses limiting beliefs and their impact on lawyers in this podcast episode. He explains that limiting beliefs are negative and self-defeating thoughts or perceptions that hold individuals back from reaching their full potential. Gary provides examples of familiar limiting beliefs among lawyers, such as feeling inadequate or not skilled enough. He also explores the sources of these beliefs, including family upbringing, education, and personal experiences. Gary highlights factors such as lack of mentoring, negative self-talk, fear of taking risks, and workload stress as contributors to limiting beliefs. He concludes by emphasizing the need to recognize and overcome these beliefs to thrive in the legal profession. Do you struggle with limiting beliefs? if so, let's chat: In this podcast episode, Gary discusses the impact of limiting beliefs on lawyers. He explains that these beliefs are self-created and not based on reality. Common limiting beliefs are identified, and Gary emphasizes how they can negatively affect success, causing stress and burnout. He provides eight tools or steps to overcome these beliefs, including self-awareness, questioning beliefs, seeking support, and visualization techniques. The episode concludes with a summary of the strategies discussed. Would you like help in overcoming limiting beliefs? Let's have a call:



Gary Miles the Free Lawyer

Gary Miles

Gary Miles is a legal luminary with over four decades of experience practicing law, primarily in litigation and family law. His journey through the legal landscape has been ...

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