Thriving Entrepreneur with Steve Kidd: All About The Kidd Marketing Family with Amber, Bruce, Malyssa and Clare
12/19/2017 09:00 am PST
Wouldn't it be awesome to finally know and see the faces behind the names of the people from Kidd Marketing who have been helping you with your books?
Today, I will introduce you to four amazing individuals who are part of the success of our company. Many of you may not know them, but they are the ones who have been helping my wonderful wife, Kathy Kidd and me to get our company thriving.
Amber Petersen, PA to Kathy Kidd
Bruce Petersen, Project Manager
Malyssa Ferguson Schmidt, Chief Editor
Clare Gamboa, Editor / PA to Steve Kidd
We are so blessed to have these people in our life. We are more than just a company. We are a family.
Steve Kidd
Steve Kidd the first ever male host on the largest women's networking organization radio network, eWomenNetwork eWNRadio network, Thriving Entrepreneur, has been coaching bu...
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