Thriving Entrepreneur with Steve Kidd: An Entrepreneurial Personality with Alex Charfen

Thriving Entrepreneur with Steve Kidd: An Entrepreneurial Personality with Alex Charfen

  02/06/2018  09:00 am PST

How many times have you been told you are flighty or not focused?

How often have you just been able to see the solution to a problem?

How much do you strive to contribute in all that you do in life?

Is your focus to have your life be about more than just the money you make?

Are you more interested in the difference, the contribution you are making?

All of these are signs that you may have an entrepreneurial personality.

What the world, in general, may call ADHD or bipolar, may just simply be you living your life as a Thriving Entrepreneur.  Now I know this concept is radical, but I encourage you to listen as special guest Alex Charfen shares with host Steve Kidd what it means to have an entrepreneurial personality and how you can THRIVE when you embrace it is simply who you are. Today, on Thriving Entrepreneur.


Steve Kidd

Steve Kidd

Steve Kidd the first ever male host on the largest women's networking organization radio network, eWomenNetwork eWNRadio network, Thriving Entrepreneur, has been coaching bu...

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