Thriving Entrepreneur with Steve Kidd: Discovering Your Life Purpose and Fulfilling Your Destiny with Michelle Dawson

Thriving Entrepreneur with Steve Kidd: Discovering Your Life Purpose and Fulfilling Your Destiny with Michelle Dawson

  10/11/2017  02:00 pm PST

Today, bestselling author Michelle Dawson talks about her bestselling book entitled THE DASH FACTOR SERIES: Where Purpose is Revealed and Destiny is Fulfilled.

The dash is the limited time we have on earth. We all have that space between when we were born and when we die to accomplish something great and fulfill what we were born to do. Some have longer dashes than others, but everyone can be impactful on their dash. — Michelle Dawson

I encourage you to make great use of your dash factor in your life because you are a person of influence. You have a purpose in this world that you need to fulfill.

Listen in as Michelle Dawson shares her journey of self-discovery with Steve Kidd plus the special segment with Callum Laing on Thriving Entrepreneur.

***SPECIAL SEGMENT: Being a Person of Influence with Callum Laing
Whether we recognize it or not we all have influence in other people’s lives. What we do with this influence is what determines many of the outcomes in our lives. Callum is going to help us understand our influence and learn how to grow it.


Steve Kidd

Steve Kidd

Steve Kidd the first ever male host on the largest women's networking organization radio network, eWomenNetwork eWNRadio network, Thriving Entrepreneur, has been coaching bu...

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