Thriving Entrepreneur with Steve Kidd: How to Find and Develop Your Writing Voice in Your Business with Dr. Joy

Thriving Entrepreneur with Steve Kidd: How to Find and Develop Your Writing Voice in Your Business with Dr. Joy

  09/20/2017  02:00 pm PST

Being open and sharing yourself with your close personal friends is what helps you develop your voice.  From this open and honest communication comes the courage and the strength to share the life you have come through and where you are going.  People need to know out stories - they are waiting for us to share.  Someone's breakthrough is contained in what you know and what you have to share.  But first, you need to get it out.  First, you need people you trust that you can share your deepest "stuff" with/ from this sharing comes a release and clarity that then gives you the ability to share your story and help another person.


Steve Kidd

Steve Kidd

Steve Kidd the first ever male host on the largest women's networking organization radio network, eWomenNetwork eWNRadio network, Thriving Entrepreneur, has been coaching bu...

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