Guest Profile

Dr. Maureen Pierce

Dr. Maureen Pierce is a licensed psychologist who has been practicing health psychology for 15 years in Seattle, WA. She provides clinical services to people with chronic health issues, and she has a specialty in working with First Responders. All of Dr. Pierce’s training has been in a medical setting specifically completing a health psychology rotation in the VA system and was a pain psychologist at local pain clinic for 6.5 years.


In addition, Dr. Pierce specializes in working with first responders including paramedics, firefighters, state troopers, and police. Her professional vision is to change the culture of stigma to strength when it comes to creating emotional wellness. For the past decade, she has worked with First Responders individually, and she developed a training program for local departments called THRIVE, which teaches them how to be psychologically prepared given their unique career stressors.


Overall, Dr. Pierce’s professional vision is to empower her clients to take charge of their emotional and physical wellness. As a result, people realize that they have choices in their physical and mental health, which can change the course of their lives. Remember, knowledge is power, but only if we choose to do something different.
