Guest Profile
Michelle Sinclair
Michelle is a divine healer, intuitive, teacher and certified clinical hypnosis instructor. Michelle has been working to help her client heal and overcome emotional and phsyical hurdles since 2015. In 2018 Michelle was divinely guided to write a channel book called "The Way to Peace." Since then her diligent spiritual study of The Chris Letters and dedicated spiritual practices lead to her enlightenment in 2020. Since then her teaching and healings have taken on an entirely new meaning. Her daily spiritual guiding podcasts can be found on YouTube along with a series she created during her enlightenment called ' The Mental Cleanse series". This series is a wide variety of subonscious healing sessions that will guide you to create your own inner healing and spiritual awareness.
Michelle believes that heaven is here and now, if only we would but believe in it and rid our minds of all that is not that. Her series on YouTube helps to guide the process of relieving participants of the low vibrations (thoughts, words and actions) that keep them embroiled in the heavy and low dense hellish energies. Her work her cleints speaks for itself with many experiences of 'miraculous' healings. These healings are not miraculous and are just an example of the laws of the universe and that Love of the universe being made visible.