Guest Profile

Shellie Enteen

Shellie Enteen is an Author, Astrologer, Interfaith Reverend, Aromatherapist, Educator, Reiki Master,

and Public Speaker. She posts daily astrology forecasts on Facebook and weekly forecasts on her Blog at and is on Substack at shelliewrites.substack


After moving to the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in South Carolina in 2005, Shellie began

leading and participating in ceremonial circles for the eight Celtic cycles of the year. This inspired her to

continue writing and publishing a trilogy, Revealing the Druid Legacy, the inspired memoir of a Druid

Priestess. These and other books by Shellie can be found on her Author Page on Amazon. Shellie

continues to teach professional level classes in Aromatherapy and Mentorship classes in Astrology.

Learn more and Contact Shellie through her website

