"Please tell Dr. Pat I said thank you for having me on her radio program today, how gracious she was, and what great questions she asked--there were a couple I had never been asked before and I had to think about!
I really appreciated the opportunity to share Katherine's story and share in her mission to bring hope to the Lyme community."
Eliza Hemenway - guest
"Wow! My eyes are full of choking water. Thank you so much and I want to thank everybody for listening. Wow, Dr. Pat may I share a sentiment with you? Before we began I'd like to share a sentiment. You remember there's a show with Bob Barker "The Price is Right"? And where someone's name would get called and suddenly it would become a Pentecostal church where somebody receives the holy ghost and experiences a surge spontaneous burst of joy and you can just see all over their face. In that moment, what that sentiment feels like it's like, "Reverend Thabiti you're the next guest on The Dr. Pat Show!" and that's how I feel right now Dr. Pat. I want to thank to thank everybody for listening and I want the whole world to know Dr. Pat that I just love you so much. I just love you. I just think that I'm speechless."
Rev. Thabiti
"I love you so much and I always loved being here." Dee Wallace
Dee Wallace
"I'm so honored to be here and it's such a great pleasure to any degree at all part of your wonderful healing process and your evolutionary process here. A great inspiration to so many people and your whole approach, your whole style, you're so energized, so full of life we've talked about energy and life force. Your words and your intentions are filled with life force and you heal so many people just by being present on the radio everyday like you are. So we thank you for the wonderful work that you do."
Mark Mincolla, Ph.D
"I just finished a session with a person from the UK. I asked how she found me. She had done some searches, and then said she listened to some podcasts from the Dr. Pat Show. She loves you! And, that's how she found me. Wow!"
Leslie Fonteyne - CoHost
"Please tell Dr. Pat I said thank you for having me on her radio program today, how gracious she was, and what great questions she asked--there were a couple I had never been asked before and I had to think about!
I really appreciated the opportunity to share Katherine's story and share in her mission to bring hope to the Lyme community."
Eliza Hemenway - guest
"Wow! My eyes are full of choking water. Thank you so much and I want to thank everybody for listening. Wow, Dr. Pat may I share a sentiment with you? Before we began I'd like to share a sentiment. You remember there's a show with Bob Barker "The Price is Right"? And where someone's name would get called and suddenly it would become a Pentecostal church where somebody receives the holy ghost and experiences a surge spontaneous burst of joy and you can just see all over their face. In that moment, what that sentiment feels like it's like, "Reverend Thabiti you're the next guest on The Dr. Pat Show!" and that's how I feel right now Dr. Pat. I want to thank to thank everybody for listening and I want the whole world to know Dr. Pat that I just love you so much. I just love you. I just think that I'm speechless."
Rev. Thabiti