The Leader's Pause with Hal Runkel
1st & 3rd Thursdays 3pm PT / 6pm ET
The Leader’s Pause
Take a break and learn how to respond more, react less, and get better at everything!
We all complain that people push our buttons. But here’s a question: What makes our buttons so easily pushable? How did we give everyone such easy access to our remote control?
Tune in with Hal Runkel as he asks questions like these to help leaders like you take back your time, your energy, and your decision-making power. All you have to do is learn to press your own pause button first. Then you can stop being emotionally reactive, and start being thoughtfully responsive. And that's how you increase your influence.
So, take a break, take a breath, take a knee…and learn to access your greatest human superpower: the ability to pause, think, and decide for yourself. And then watch yourself get better at absolutely everything.
Power, prosperity, and peace…all begin with a pause. The Leader's Pause.
Hal Runkel MS
The Leader's Pause with Hal Runkel1st & 3rd Thursdays 3pm PT / 6pm ET The Leader’s PauseTake a break and learn how to respond more, react less, and get better at ...
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