Get Out of Your Own Way with April Yee: And get what you want through transformative self-care: Take Back Control of Your Life

Get Out of Your Own Way with April Yee: And get what you want through transformative self-care: Take Back Control of Your Life

  12/19/2024  03:30 pm PDT

Episode 18 Cover: Take Back Control of Your LifeDo you think your life is out of control? Are other people’s opinions more important than your own? Do you feel powerless and that everything is happening TO you? In this episode, Jennifer Bulbrook shares how she got out of her own way by recognizing that she has power and agency in her life - just by choosing a different thought about her circumstances. In the past, she used to blame everyone and everything else for why her life wasn’t the way she wanted it to be. She used addictions to feel better, even as they made her life worse and she suffered from depression and anxiety. When she discovered The Model, it helped her change her life and feel more empowered and healthy. Listen on to find out how she took more ownership in her life and is stronger than ever. Where in your life could changing your thoughts and beliefs create the powerful change you want? 


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April Yee

Get Out of Your Own Way with April Yee: And get what you want through transformative self-care1st & 3rd Thursdays  3:30pm PT / 6:30 pm ET   What does getting...

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Jennifer Bulbrook

As a coach at “I Am Somebody,” and through her Podcast, “Back on Track,” Jennifer empowers individuals to regain control over their mental health and...

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