The Goddess Emergence™ with Dr. Brie Gibbs, Ph.D. ~ Syntheses in Science, Spirituality and Humanity : Healing from The Spiritual Blueprint. Why was it so important
During the Holidays, it is extremely hard.

The Goddess Emergence™ with Dr. Brie Gibbs, Ph.D. ~ Syntheses in Science, Spirituality and Humanity : Healing from The Spiritual Blueprint. Why was it so important During the Holidays, it is extremely hard.

  12/18/2024  02:00 pm PDT

The Goddess Emergence™ with Dr. Brie Gibbs, Ph.D. ~ Syntheses in Science, Spirituality and Humanity : Healing from The Spiritual Blueprint. Why was it so important
During the Holidays, it is extremely hard. We agree to follow the path the creator has given us. How does the Spiritual Blueprint Relate to this in your healing journey?

During the Holidays, it is easy to fall off the Spritital Blueprint due to family events and being alone. How do we all recover from the Holidays 




Dr. Brie Gibbs Ph.D.

The Goddess Emergence™ with Dr. Brie Gibbs, Ph.D. 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 2pm PT / 5pm ET Welcome to The Goddess Emergence™, a groundbreaking live-streaming v...

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